Tell a Silly Lie with Natasha Star

Discussion in 'Games' started by Natasha Star, May 1, 2018.

  1. This is a fun and creative game. Tell a silly lie about the user who posted before you.

    So, as an example, the person who posts after me might say something like: "Natasha Star is a genetically engineered super human who likes to breakdance with teddy bears beneath a moonless sky." And then the next poster would make up a silly lie about that person, and so on and so on.

    Annnnnndddd ..... Go!

    charlie_k and DesertRose like this.
  2. Natasha star farts after sex lmao hehehe

    Sent from my Z833 using Tapatalk
    ChloeCakes likes this.
  3. Bryan isn't really Cajun. He's from Eastern Europe where he weaves tapestries from yak hair.

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  4. Natasha rides dragons. :)
    RunningSquirrel and thunderstorm like this.
  5. thunderstorm
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    thunderstorm Well-Known Member

    That was an awesome one! I am jealous that I didn't think of it.

    Very few people know about this...

    @RoxyGold was actually born thousands of years ago, she was accidentally touched by King Midas, and turned into a golden statue that was kept in perfect condition at the Vatican, in Rome. About 10 years ago, a lonely wizard came along and released the golden statue back into a beautiful young woman, hense the phrase that Roxy uses, "The girl with the golden touch."
  6. Aww TS, this made me blush so hard! Oh mylanta, how am I going to top that?

    [smilie=i love you1.gif]

    Thunderstorm is a super hero. Just a mild mannered dude by day, then after nightfall becomes ThunderStruck, with crashing sonic boom sound waves righting wrongs and bringing justice. This ability to command force through his body makes him irresistible to women, falling to their knees in helpless pleasure when he has his way with them.

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  7. Roxy Gold is really the descendant of the Irish Shield Maiden Rocky Steel and has been groomed to take over the world one day at a time using her God-Given golden touch to get all of mankind to submit to her whims and desires.
    Slider, thunderstorm and ChloeCakes like this.
  8. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Sonja spends her time off in Scotland searching for the Loch Ness Monster using her personal submarine!:D
    Slider, thunderstorm and ChloeCakes like this.
  9. BigAlbowski is the Loch Ness Monster
  10. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    Natasha Star is a teddy bear who likes to breakdance with genetically engineered super humans beneath the full moon.
    thunderstorm and ChloeCakes like this.
  11. Lunch Buffet is really a CIA Covert Operative who is using the pussy image to infiltrate the cathouses so he can get his sex parties paid for by Homeland security.
  12. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Sonja has a pet chimpanzee named Francis who cooks an amazing Jambalaya :D
  13. BigAlbowski trains peacocks to skip rope for his roadshow.
  14. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Natasha has written several highly regarded academic papers on Quantum Mechanics helping to discover the Higgs boson particle!:D
    thunderstorm likes this.
  15. Dang it You're supposed to tell lies! ;);):D:D


    BigAlbowski has a secret room in his house where he hides a complete skeleton of Sasquatch.
    thunderstorm, sonja and BigAlbowski like this.
  16. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    Natasha Star keeps a replica Death Star in her room and re-enacts the destruction scene with a big stick. Instead of exploding, the Death Star breaks open and scatters candy everywhere.
    Slider and thunderstorm like this.
  17. Lunch Buffett is actualy a woman. Hehe
    thunderstorm likes this.
  18. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    KiKiLover has X-ray vision. On her days off, she works with the TSA at airports to look for guns and knives carried by airline passengers.
    thunderstorm likes this.
  19. LunchBuffett has a rubber chicken farm.
    thunderstorm likes this.
  20. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Natasha travels everywhere in a zeppelin [smilie=happy.gif]
    thunderstorm likes this.
  21. Big Albowski wrote and directed the "The Big Lebowski" -- an autobiographical story that he was paid millions of dollars to make public.
    Slider likes this.
  22. .....................................I WANT that to be true!!!!!!
    thunderstorm likes this.
  23. Parking would be a nightmare!!
    sonja likes this.
  24. Sonja eats everything with chopsticks. Even soup.
    Slider and BigDaddy76 like this.
  25. How funny... That's actually true.

    Natasha Star is the secret love child of Natasha Kinski & Jeffree Star.
    thunderstorm likes this.
  26. It's not just for the photo. Sonja only rides motorcycles sitting backwards.
    sonja likes this.
  27. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    The door to Natasha Star's room is actually a time portal that transports her to a random spot in time. That's why she doesn't know what day it is, or what time it is!
    thunderstorm and sonja like this.
  28. Well, that last part is usually true. Lol!
  29. Lunch Buffett can play every Metallica song on the piccolo.
  30. I wanna hear that!

    Natasha Star squirts glitter when she cums.
    thunderstorm likes this.
  31. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Sonja keeps every rubber band she finds to make the world's largest rubber band ball... hers is currently at 6 feet wide
    thunderstorm and sonja like this.
  32. This thought is strangely exciting
    sonja likes this.
  33. BigAlbowski only eats string cheese and chocolate sprinkles. But never at the same time.
    thunderstorm and BigAlbowski like this.
  34. Natasha Star was bitten by a genetically engineered mosquito when she was in puberty. Since then, she has been stuck in a state of constant sexual arousal.
    HotSexyDiction likes this.
  35. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Sonja has a dinosaur named after her... the Sonjasaurus... and it is one SEXY dinosaur!!

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