Sex Worker Reminds Us Why Yoga is Sexy

Posted by Mercedes on January 14, 2017

Hey Babes! I’m Mercedes, and I’m going to rock your world.

I want to show you a few basic yoga poses and the benefits they have to offer. Originating in ancient India as a physical, mental, and spiritual practice; Yoga has more recently traveled to the western world to take our physical drive up a notch. So, what do we know about sex and yoga?

From banging it downward doggy-style to reveling in the sex-friendliness of a flexible yogini, Yoga has increasingly become a popular influence in sexploration between starry-eyed lovers, and here’s why.

A regular yoga practice will:

  • tone the body
  • increase alertness and energy levels
  • Enhance libido, performance, and sexual satisfaction

Practicing yoga can support a rich, full and dynamic sex life. The poses featured here work directly to increase your circulation of blood flow to the pelvic area, and with this, energy and vitality follow. Circulation and increased blood flow are directly linked to level of arousal. Start using these poses in the bedroom today!


Bridge Pose- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana

Why this pose is great:

• Stretches the chest, neck, and spine

• Stimulates abdominal organs, lungs, and thyroid

• Therapeutic and calming for the brain

• Energizing to the nervous system

Great for Sex Because:

Bridge pose activates ‘Mula Bandha’, the pelvic floor muscles-tightening and toning much like a Kegel exercise would. To find an optimal rhythm, I would suggest your partner start by gently thrusting in and out. As you both become comfortable, he can grab your waist or thighs and start pulling you towards him with each thrust.

His extra hand can be used to stimulate your clitoris. Try variating this pose by throwing one leg up against his shoulder to enjoy deeper penetration.

How to do it:

1. Begin by lying on your back, with both knees bent and feet flat on the floor hip width apart.

2. Arms are placed alongside the body with palms facing down. Fingertips lightly touching the heels.

3. Press the feet into the floor, inhale to raise the hips up.

4. Lightly squeeze the knees together. Press down into the arms and shoulders to lift the chest up.

Engage the legs, buttocks and mula bandha to lift the hips higher.


Puppy Pose- Uttana Shishosana

Why this pose is great:

• Stretches the spine and shoulders

• This pose increases flexibility in the spine

• As an inversion, more blood is available to the heart and head

• Opens the back and chest to feel emotionally buoyant and physically energized

Great for Sex Because:

Who doesn’t love doggie style? Puppy pose calms the mind while invigorating the body. This sex position creates deeper penetration. You can variate by using a hand to stimulate the clit… or lightly grasp his balls (I find that most men love this!). Or… You can prop yourself up with a pillow to relax and enjoy the ride!

How to do it:

1. From Table position, tuck the toes under and walk your hands forward.

2. Spread the fingers wide apart.

3. Lift up through the tailbone to keep the spine straight and long.

4. Pull the shoulder blades together and down the back.


Cobra- Bhujangasana

Why this pose is great:

• Strengthens the spine

• Stretches chest and lungs, shoulders, and abdomen

• Firms the buttocks

• Stimulates abdominal organs

• Relieves stress and fatigue

• Opens the heart and lungs

• Builds heat

Great for sex because:

Bhujangasana is said to awaken the raw life force energy of the kundalini.

This sex position creates a snug fit for your guy’s penis and he will feel even larger.

How to do it:

1. Lie on your belly with palms flat on the floor and elbows underneath shoulders.

4. Use your hands to pull your chest forward.

5. Shoulder blades should be pressing together and sliding down the back.

6. Legs together, thighs activated and abdomen should engage.


Wide-Legged Forward Fold: Prasarita Padottanasana

Why this pose is great:

• Lengthens your hamstrings, calves, spinal column and core

• Strengthens feet, ankles, and legs

• Stimulates digestive, uro-genital, nervous and endocrine systems

• The inverted shape and the forward fold promotes a feeling of calmness

Great for Sex Because:

This sex position tightens the vaginal walls tighter and increases the intensity of the friction.

While supporting you with one hand, your partner can use the other to tickle your clitoris. If you want to play around with some light bondage, loosely have him tie your hands together with a silky scarf.

How to do it:

1. Your forward fold should come from hinging at the hips.

2. Engage the low abdomen to gently pull the belly up and in.

3. Palms can be flat to the floor or grasping the ankles.

4. Use the strength in your upper body to pull yourself deeper into the pose.

Recap: Yoga tones and strengthens your body in all of the right ways. It energizes the body from the inside out; sharpening your focus and improving your stamina. Yoga promotes deep and powerful breathing, which in turn will increase your oxygen intake and result in a sexy, confident state of being.

My favorite benefit from yoga, and the inspiration for my daily practice is the reward of enhanced awareness. Yoga allows us to harnesses our innate ability to live in the present moment. Imagine how our lives could be changed for the better by the simple act of allowing ourselves to become more aligned and in sync with our senses.

Wishing you totally paramount and liberating love-fueled experiences!


Sexy and fit, Mercedes is the luxury companion with a body that can do things you won't believe. A headliner at Dennis Hof's Moonlite Bunny Ranch, Mercedes looks forward to turning every single one of your sexual fantasies into sweet memories.

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Author: Mercedes

Sexy and fit, Mercedes is the luxury companion with a body that can do things you won't believe. A headliner at Dennis Hof's Moonlite Bunny Ranch, Mercedes looks forward to turning every single one of your sexual fantasies into sweet memories.

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