Who have you not partied with yet but on your radar?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Adventure Guy, Apr 20, 2019.

  1. CocoBrantley
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    CocoBrantley Well-Known Member

    Well I will cross my little fingers that everything works out and you are able to come visit.....birthday parties here at the ranch can be lots of fun! (And sometimes a bit messy when I’m involved)....

    Keep in touch, sending u Bunny Hugs & Kisses!
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  2. FumbleNutts
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    FumbleNutts Well-Known Member

    I'd like to party with every lady that smiles at me [smilie=happy.gif], but this new lady @KlassyKay has got me curious [smilie=hot over you.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  3. Thank you Fozzie and Jessie Summers for liking my post.
  4. KlassyKay
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    KlassyKay Cuz I have a capital ASS!

    Sooo...... Curiosity killed the kat
    FumbleNutts and Old Nick like this.
  5. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

    But satisfaction brought her back
    Ragazo Solo likes this.
  6. Fozzie likes this.
  7. KlassyKay
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    KlassyKay Cuz I have a capital ASS!

    Satisfaction brought her back!!

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  8. I’ve been on @grizzly list for over 3years since the Chinese Resturant... lol can’t wait

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    grizzly likes this.
  9. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

    Yes you have @destinistarr , that was a fun night at the Chinese Restaurant! Thank you for your unwavering patience!! I feel in my bones it will happen soon...
    destinistarr likes this.
  10. I am ready when you are RobG92! Let me know when it is my turn!
    IMG_3042.PNG IMG_3054.PNG
    RobG92 likes this.
  11. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    Jessica Riley and Jessie Summers like this.
  12. ChloeCakes
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    ChloeCakes Feeling Playful until Dec 17th! 3pm-3am daily

    JadeJasper and kevinz0071 like this.
  13. Correct Chloe! I'm going to put the 'problem' of having too many girls you want to party with, with (in my case) lacking the ability to do so, as a 'first-world' problem, but a problem none-the-less LMAO
    Kmoe2244 likes this.
  14. Thank you Marlin Groce Jr. for liking my post.
  15. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I hear you. Every time I call to add more to my lay away plan, I sometimes trip over my tongue, or one time, I forgot who it was for (how do I do that?). I’m sure I’ll have butterflies when I see the sign with the brothel names...possibly when I drive through Reno...they might come when I cross the Utah/Nevada line.
    Kmoe2244 likes this.
  16. kevinz0071
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    kevinz0071 Well-Known Member

    Oh you will Chloe definitely I can't wait to meet you
  17. NinaSkye
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    NinaSkye Local and available 24/7 by appointment!

    So many beautiful ladies on this list! Thanks for including me! I would love to party with you and maybe include all the hotties on your list !;)[smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    kaynine26 likes this.
  18. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

  19. randyryder
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    randyryder Pure heart with a dirty mind!

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  20. Old Nick likes this.
  21. Old Nick likes this.
  22. I’m getting inspired.


    Love ranch



    I can’t seem to get this list any smaller. That said I’m lucky to say I’ll be up soon to meet you all, and have some fun. Im just looking at current lineup as I’ll probably not be back for a while, and!!!!! I’m having a super hard time talking any of the girls off the list. I think it might come down to what they are wearing at lineup
  23. randyryder
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    randyryder Pure heart with a dirty mind!

    Me too!

    -Pure heart with a dirty mind,
    Randy Ryder
  24. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

  25. kaynine26
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    kaynine26 Well-Known Member

    Adventure Guy likes this.
  26. I’m waiting on you babe!!!! Xoxo
  27. You know I’m waiting for you as well, bring your switch!!
    Old Nick likes this.
  28. Glad to be on your radar can’t wait to get off your radar and on your lap!
    aztecwarrior2881 likes this.
  29. Thanks for putting me on the list but you know I’d love to cross myself off the list or I guess since it’s a to do list checked off once we hang!

    Fozzie likes this.
  30. You are going to be one tired frog but I have some ideas on how to keep you going
    TiredFrog likes this.
  31. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    5 more weeks Asia, can't wait to be back at bunny ranch.
  32. I’m going to start a countdown! Let’s party when you arrive!
    carlitoalex likes this.
  33. AjaMercury
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    AjaMercury Heavenly Mercury Incarnate

    Can't wait to help you with those duties and check a name off your list ;)

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