December 2016

The Best Place In America To Have An Orgy

By Casey Cross

-Love Ranch North Lover


When I started working as a legal Nevada sex worker a few years ago, I expected to encounter many lone men looking for intimate rendezvous, but I was not prepared for the inpouring of couples and groups that regularly converge at Nevada’s licensed brothels seeking the ultimate in sexual celebrations: an orgy. Group sex is bigger and far more popular that I thought it was, and I’ve learned that Nevada brothels are definitely the best places in the United States to enjoy unrestrained sexual revelry with five, ten, or even over twenty sex participants.


Shortly after I began my career as a courtesan at Dennis Hof’s Love Ranch, it became apparent to me that a lot of adults are interested in group sex. In many cases, however, aspiring orgiasts are apprehensive to give in to their epicurean desires because of the delicate logistics of setting up such gatherings, or they want to avoid the drama associated with friends and family members discovering that they’re engaging in non-monogamous sexual encounters. After all, not everyone lives in a sexually liberal atmosphere. For some people, it’s a social risk to invite a few coworkers over for “cocktails and group sex.”



Many people like to keep their sex lives private and discreet. But when orgies are your thing, and you need to gather other playmates to have some fun, it often makes setting up an enjoyable evening of debauchery stressful and precarious.


When you take this into consideration, it makes sense that Nevada brothels have become America’s top spots for group sex parties. Here are a few reasons why…









Read more at the Bunnyranch Blog.



Dennis and the Bunny Ranch girls are available for interviews by contacting [email protected] or 775-720-9090.



Email: [email protected]

Voice: (775)-246-5683 EXT: 231


The Moonlite Bunny Ranch

69 Moonlight Road

Carson City, Nevada 89706

(775) 246-5683 EXT: 231

(888) BunnyRanch






The just-released bio-tome, published by Regan Arts, is available worldwide at,, and wherever finer books are sold online and in retail outlets.


THE BUNNY RANCH: The world famous Moonlite Bunny Ranch ( is featured in the long-running award-winning HBO reality-TV series Cathouse, and is the most successful legal brothel in the history of the planet. It is currently celebrating its’ Diamond Anniversary 60th Year in business.