Happy endings with Sweet Staci Valentine

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by IDMT, May 26, 2013.

  1. I had popped into LRS today to bring my weekly food offering to the ladies there in the feeble hopes of incurring a modicum of favor with them. Pizza from Papa John's has always seemed to be a welcome choice, so I rolled into Crystal toting three medium pizzas.

    As always, I was warmly greeted by Dawn and shown to the bar. The only two ladies there at the time were Lase Jones and Sweet Staci Valentine. Unfortunately, it seems I rousted both of them from their slumber (it was 11:30 am lol).

    After a little pizza, I mentioned that I still had a deposit on the books for a party that had never actually materialized. Staci, having given me some very sage advice a week or so ago, jokingly mentioned that I should just flat out give it to her as a reward for the advice. I told her we could talk about it in her room. ;)

    The deposit wasn't huge by any means, but coupling it with a little more in cash led us to a short 30 minute massage party culminating in a delightful happy ending.

    Staci is not everyone's cup of tea, but her ability to back up her claims about her sexual abilities has me sold on her. I'll definitely see her again. ;)
  2. I had a great time with you. I look forward to longer parties with you and learning each other. Keep in touch love bug
  3. caressakisses
    Chat with Me

    caressakisses Caressakisses.com

    What a Great read!!!!!!!!!

  4. JadeCapri
    Chat with Me

    JadeCapri Genuine•Embracing•Assisting conquer inadequacies

    Happy endings after an erotic rubdown are always wonderful! Sounds like you got a great deal, IDMT.
  5. I'm hungry !!!! LOL
  6. I'm not satisfied unless we both leave satisfied

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