I did a thing today!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by sonja, Apr 14, 2018.

  1. I mean is it by radius, diameter, length, small, medium, large, XL, tie a board to your ass so you don't fall in, or what?
  2. Old Nick
    Chat with Me

    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I worked my shift, mowed my neighbor’s lawn, and now I’m doing Uber Eats deliveries.
    Jessie Summers, DashaDare and sonja like this.
  3. ................................................Wow - busy day! ..............................................
    Old Nick likes this.
  4. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Yep. Gotta make that money. I did have a disappointing Uber night, though. Some other driver picked up an order I was supposed to deliver, so that screwed me. On the plus side, I did get a tip for one delivery.
    sonja and DashaDare like this.
  5. With just one typo

    " I worked my shift and mowed my neighbors lawn" could be a line in a porno

    Old Nick and sonja like this.
  6. Too funny. You are definitely due to get laid! :p
    DashaDare and Jessie Summers like this.
  7. I know right? It's been three whole freaking weeks, thank god I don't need it (like oxygen) to survive! LMAO
    sonja, Old Nick and DashaDare like this.
  8. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I’ve been on dry dock for...fuck, I can’t remember the last time I had sex. It was when my wife and I were getting along better. Damn...so long ago...
    DashaDare, sonja and Jessie Summers like this.
  9. You actually DO need sex to survive... Maybe not as often as you must draw breath or drink water bu it's still a true need. Don't waste yourself away by going without that much needed regenerative connection.
    Old Nick and Jessie Summers like this.
  10. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    In my 20s, I was surrounded by women that did not think of me as a guy to either date or have sex with, especially local. There was always an excuse, but all the same.

    “Nick's a nice guy, but he’s:”

    1. Not tall enough.
    2. Not exciting enough.

    In short, I was no one’s type.

    I was 26 when I lost my virginity at a brothel. So yeah, it took me long enough.

    I will admit, there are women that aren’t my type. I remember signing up on an LDS dating site and talked to someone I was not attracted to, and was freaking nuts, too. I may have to tell that story. It’s kinda funny.
    DashaDare likes this.
  11. Yes! Now that you brought it up. I would love to hear the story.
    DashaDare and Old Nick like this.
  12. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    It’s a long story. I might have to email it to you.
    sonja and DashaDare like this.
  13. I ran a few errands, nothing major, but I loved being out in the sunshine! :)
    sonja likes this.
  14. . So sad

    my is full love for everyone
  15. Getting outside is big deal for me, too. I rarely get out so it's always a special occasion when I see the open sky.
    DashaDare likes this.
  16. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Or I might do a thread if anyone else wants to read it. LOL
    HotSexyDiction and sonja like this.
  17. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I wrote the story on another thread. I wish I knew how to link threads on this. I realized that this story is kinda funny but very cautionary, too.
    HotSexyDiction, sonja and DashaDare like this.

  18. my is full love for everyone
  19. [​IMG]

    my is full love for everyone
    Old Nick likes this.
  20. Bobbi Besos
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    Bobbi Besos Well-Known Member

    Wow @sonja look at you handy-woman! Always so impressive you are!


    [email protected]

    HotSexyDiction, sonja and Old Nick like this.
  21. LOL - Thanks! It's easy to do anything that gives pleasure.
    HotSexyDiction likes this.
  22. HarleyCEO
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    HarleyCEO Well-Known Member

    I enjoyed playing with puppies today. Few things in the world are as therapeutic as that.
    sonja and Old Nick like this.
  23. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Watching my daughter play Minecraft between Uber Eats runs.
    sonja likes this.
  24. XsMPhotoguy17
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    XsMPhotoguy17 Well-Known Member

    It's my day off. So I laid here in bed working on stuff. I think I'm going to take a stroll down to the store in a bit. Only like a 40 min walk. But it gets me out of the apartment.
    sonja likes this.
  25. I got an unexpected package of sexy clothes. I will have to get pics in them and post them here. What a great surprise!
    HarleyCEO and Old Nick like this.
  26. Old Nick
    Chat with Me

    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Now I’m playing Minecraft for my daughter’s entertainment.
    sonja likes this.
  27. Kiki, that is beyond great. Professional yet cordial and personal. Happy for the 2 of you. I have had 2 trips to the Ranches, the ''professionally personal" far outshines the mindless conformity of a mere transaction.
    sonja, KikiLover and Old Nick like this.
  28. That is so awesome that you took the time to do that...Box or not, even store bought. Alas, the time to bake from scratch certainly makes you a great catch! Nice & sweet gesture.
    CeeMia and sonja like this.
  29. Okay...I have to ask..."Is there grass on your infield?"
    (Merely creating a light-hearted pun joke) You on a mower begged the pun to your sexy self.
    sonja likes this.
  30. This is interesting and fascinating. There is another board member that also does this type of reenactment, albeit for the Civil War... @grizzly I think. Thanks for sharing.
    DashaDare likes this.
  31. That idea could actually lower the overall absurd costs of current healthcare, treatment and medication.
    DashaDare likes this.
  32. The more posts I read by you, the more I like you. Smart, kind and sexy...All philosophically so.
    DashaDare likes this.
  33. Wow...Riley that is super awesome of you to recognize that. I am certain this perceptive attitude will serve you well.
    DashaDare and CeeMia like this.
  34. Holy moly Roxy! I am impressed. In this often ultra hyper-sensitive era, it behooves us all to solve problems with level-headed understanding rather than an overstatement of a misunderstanding. Kudos to you gal!
    DashaDare, CeeMia and sonja like this.
  35. Care to elaborate on this Sir? I am curious. Thanks
    DashaDare and CeeMia like this.

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