Anna Suvari and an extra birthday surprise

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by RMPanthers8778, Dec 16, 2010.

  1. And without warning I mite add. :D Once either Anna and/or Laci has their sites on you........IT'S ON!!! :twisted: :p

  2. Sounds like a "Party" to Me !!! :D :D :D :lol:
  3. It's a birthday that I wish I can have every year. :p
  4. Very true!
  5. You love being my birthday cake every year? :p
  6. Doesn't bother me. :)
  7. [smilie=hot over you.gif]

    I would just take helpings of Laci cake everyday if I was around you :twisted: . Forget once a year! :) :wink:
  8. wow, what a great review. Ive been wanting to get out to the bunny ranch for a couple years now, but something always seems to keep me from going. Ive read a bunch of reviews and im pretty sold on Anna being the Girl that gets to take my V card. And im a huge Seahawks fan so that helps a bit as well. especially if she were to greet me wearing her Seahawks jersey, that would make it even better.
  9. Thanks :) . I'm sure she would wear it for you when you arrive. Have a good time.
  10. that would be amazing.
  11. :shock: Wow!! It's been a year already!!
    Here's to you Anna Suvari [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] and Laci Ann [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] and to all those I met for a 32nd birthday that was unbelievable.
  12. Time flies! Glad to be a part of the festivities. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  13. I think you and I are due for some partaking in some festivities. :twisted: :p
  14. Now this sounds like the way I want to lose my V-Card!
  15. I was a one crazy night and for good reason!! :p
  16. It's a great for sure!
  17. Did you have you caffeine today Laci? Your missing something Mrs. Words with Friends champ. :p

    "It's a great way for sure!"
  18. LOL! So, nice of you to point how smart I are with my typo. :) Be prepared for Ms. not "Mrs. Words with Friends champ" to kick your butt for sure now. :) [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  19. :roll: Hmmmm I don't know Laci. Mrs. Panthers8778 sounds good to me. :mrgreen:

    Well Ms. :wink: since you know how big my butt is from you grabbing it and smacking it so much that won't miss it. :)
  20. nataliaqing
    Chat with Me

    nataliaqing Well-Known Member

    That's a delightful birthday surprise! hehe :lol:
  21. Delightful and delicious!!! :p
  22. Happy Birthday Laci!!! :D Maybe some day I can give you a birthday celebration that you and Anna gave to me. Hope your day is (was) special. So you take rain checks or I.O.Us? :) [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  23. Thank you! That would be awesome. I'll guess a rain check or a Very Merry Unbirthday Celebration to both of us. ;)
  24. It was down right unbelievable!!!! :D
    Still smiling from ear to ear after all this time.

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