Torrey Pines- Still amazing as ever!

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by Anonymous, Dec 4, 2011.

  1. Damn, it was so nice to see you again last night, had it really been 10 months? You are as sweet and hot as I remember, your smile and laugh make me feel like I need to put my arms around you and just hold you.

    I am going to show restraint when it comes to our bedroom activities. Needless to say, it's like we were never apart in that department, we seem to know what the other likes and do a damn good job seeing that each other gets their fill. I was happy and honored to be your first client since your return, I hope I gave you enough loving as I know how your appetite can be [smilie=hot over you.gif] .

    Anyways, it was great seeing you again. You are just another sweet addition to the LRN and I hope your stay is filled with success and happiness as you deserve nothing less.
  2. CalGuy95
    Chat with Me

    CalGuy95 Well-Known Member

    Re: Torrey Pines- As good as always!

    I thought this was a golfing report...guess you still might have gotten a hole in one. [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  3. Re: Torrey Pines- As good as always!

    LOL- I know, I know CalGuy! But come on, GOLF report, that hurts. You know which reviews to go to if you need your fix. In my defense, it was a long night and this review was written during my breakfast on the iPad between my juice and toast.

    "Hole in one!" - let's just say you hit the nail on the head, thanks for the help, buddy!
  4. Torrey is sweet, fun and sexy. Great review, she deserves it.

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  5. I love her . She is great and sweet.

    [smilie=hot over you.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  6. JadeCapri
    Chat with Me

    JadeCapri Genuine•Embracing•Assisting conquer inadequacies

    Torrey is a sweet and caring person. I am also happy that you two got to see each other. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

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