Reopening and Remembering- Kindness Rules All

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Delilah Rae, Apr 27, 2021.

  1. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    Let's be real- we've all been waiting weeks, months and quite frankly a year for this to happen. We want our fun and we want it now.

    I am very much in this group. I want to come back to my second home. I want to see the close friends I haven't been close to since Jan. 2020.

    As a working lady I want to make the most of my tour. I want to connect with the guests and clients I haven't seen. I'm nervous that the ranches wont be busy as people wait and I'll invest with no return. I'm vaccinated and completely confident in my own immunity but I've been isolated and front line working (including as a CNA in a COVID unit), for the entire pandemic. Seeing new people after a year of isolation is nerve wracking at times. This is a normal response to the last year.

    I wanted to write this note to remind all of us to be kind to everyone who has tried to make this last year work however possible. The Ranch staff who has had a huge disruption to their livelyhood. Ladies who have had an exceptionally difficult time navigating unemployment benefits that were not previously availible. And as much as we don't like to give credit to the gov that closed us we also have to look at this from a public health perspective.

    This last year the people that isolated kept me and other front line workers safe. Whether it was stopping the spread and flattening the curve so we weren't overwhelmed as care givers. Or isolating to not use up PPE so caregivers could access supply. All of these things kept me as a health care provider safe. I can't say how much those acts and choices of others meant to me.

    As we open, lets focus on the reconnections we're about to make and be thrilled we're here to gather together again.
  2. AWESOME thread Miss Delilah! There's so many moving parts I'm negotiating through to get out to Nevada this summer, but first and foremost, I want to be vaccinated for the safety and peace of mind of the ladies I'll come across....that's the most important thing....unfortunately, vaccination efforts in rural America (including here) are running at a snail's pace, but I'll get there!

    Thanks for all your work on the front lines....It doesn't go un-noticed to me!
  3. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    Thank you! I really appreciate hearing that. I'm personally comfortable with nonvaccinated clients as we get more and more CDC and WHO evidence about transmission rates from unvaccinated person to vaccinated person to a 3rd unvaccinated person. This last year I did so much science and academic research I thought I was back in my undergrad again lol. I'm very lucky that MN has been very aggressive in our vaccination efforts. Over 25% of my state has had both shots (I believe) and according to the MN Health Department (of which I know just have an open window on my computer at all times lol) over 56% of our population 16 and up have recieved their first shot. I have to admit I'm very proud of my states vax roll out and efforts.
  4. WOW and WHOA and WOW @Delilah Rae I am floored that you not only worked but also reside in a veritable war zone of a state. ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for your service and so glad you will be here soon with your second family and home away from home. Kindness, love, tolerance, patience, understanding and humor and is what I need and encourage in all or lives and dealing with others. Let's show the Universe what a fine and loveing species we can be...❤️❤️❤️❤️
  5. Delilah Rae
    Chat with Me

    Delilah Rae Where secret desires become realities

    Lets just say that the last year has been interesting in many many ways and I def. got to see if the street medic skills I had in theory translated to practice. They did so you know that was good. But you know what they say- what you put in you get out. As intense as the last year has been I'm very happy with all the ways I've grown as a person, a health care provider and business woman.

    Still- I'm excited to get away for a bit. A little less intense for a bit wont hurt at all :)

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