In case you haven't yet recognized this my favorite color is RED SO much is to be said about the color red either you love it or hate it? What about you? Love or Hate? See some of my favorite pictures me featured in RED somewhere
@KylieRose suddenly I like the color RED. Here are some crazy factoids about it. 8 Wild Facts About the Color Red Red, the color of danger, strawberries, Coca-cola and blood. If it’s your favorite color, check out these top facts about the color red. Red also means “Beautiful” in Russian. The word “ruby” comes from the Latin word rubens, meaning “red”. The color red doesn’t really make bulls angry; they are color-blind. There are at least 23 different shades of red crayons. The red stripes on the United States Flag stand for courage. Chinese brides traditionally wear red wedding dresses for good luck. Seeing the color red can make your heart beat faster. As few as two percent of people in the United States have red hair.
But wait there's MORE Kylie..... FUNKY FUN FOOT FACTS Did you know that your foot contains 26 bones, 33 joints, more than 100 tendons, muscles, and ligaments, and a whopping 250,000 sweat glands? That may seem like a lot of anatomy in a relatively small package, but then again, your feet are charged with the very important task of supporting the entire body. And as we all know, it's hard to concentrate on anything when your feet hurt, but they're surprisingly susceptible to injury — from everyday calluses and corns to more serious problems like diabetic neuropathy. We all know that American bodies are getting bigger, but what about our feet? In the United States, the best-selling shoe size is 8.5 for women and 10.5 for men. Those are both up a full size from 30 years ago, according to the National Shoe Retailers Association in a Chicago Tribune article. If you think you know your correct size, you could be off — a 2011 report published in the Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery suggests that about 35 percent of people underestimated by at least half a size. There are also many myths about shoe size, perhaps the most common being that the larger the shoe (and therefore the foot), the larger the penis size. A few different studies have debunked that one, most recently in 2003. British researchers measured the penises and feet of 104 men and found no correlation between their sizes — so the saying should really be "big feet, big shoes."