Encouragement For Caregivers!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Tony Dark, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    As a lot of you know I'm a caregiver for my mom and I was for both my Grandparents while they were under Hospice. My mom has really good days and really bad days. Yesterday was a bad day but we got through it. My friends Dad has dementia but his mom has to do everything. So I thought about my ranch family. If you are taking care of anyone and you are doing the Best you can but everyone judges you but no one is helping you. I just want to encourage you and say your not alone. I also wanted to say Thank You!
    See there were moments when I needed encouragement, moments when I needed help, moments when I needed a break, but I never got it. But if anyone would have said Thank You! I appreciate what you are doing for my parents or our mom. It would have helped so much!
    So to anyone out there struggling taking care of anyone! I just want to say Thank You!
  2. FumbleNutts
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    FumbleNutts Well-Known Member

    Very much appreciated! Lost one parent a little over a year ago I took care of for 6 years. Now the other parent is under Hospice, and I'm taking care of a sibling. It has taken its toll on me, but we do what we have to do. The ladies at the various houses have no idea how much they've helped me get through this. Thanks again for recognizing Caregivers and all the best to you, Tony!
  3. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    I'm So Sorry to hear that! You are Very Welcome! I don't know why God put it in my heart to create this thread but I know sometimes when you are a caregiver you just go and go and go and you forget about yourself. Others see that you are doing everything so they forget to say Thank You. But you don't care because you aren't doing it for the Thanks you're doing it because it is in your heart to do it. But you are human and you need to hear you are appreciated! Your loved ones appreciate it. They are comfortated by your presence in their time of need! The ladies at the Ranch, Suzette, Christopher, and the Staff are Amazing! They are my escape when I need a recharge! When you take care of others 24 7 it is nice to go somewhere you are taken care of! Always know you aren't alone. If you ever need someone who has been there I'm here.
    Take Care!
    kmerrill and FumbleNutts like this.
  4. Thanks, @Tony Dark ... it was four years ago this week, when my father went into hospice for ten days before finally passing on a quiet January afternoon, not unlike today. What got me through a very surreal and emotional time and the years before that was remembering what my Dad did for me, especially during a sickly childhood. A return to the Sagebrush later that same year after a long hiatus was especially meaningful.
    kmerrill, FumbleNutts and Tony Dark like this.
  5. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    You're Welcome and I'm sorry that you lost your father. Anyone that has gone through or are going through a sickness or hospice with a loved one has the same types of stories. Sometimes I felt like I was the only one going through it when millions of people are caregivers but you never know about it because we don't complain or do it for Thanks or to have someone feel sorry for us. We do it because it's in our hearts to do it. Like you I know the sacrifices my Grandparents and my Mom made gave me the success I have now. If the roles were reversed they would be there for me. So in those moments of exhaustion or when they work my last nerve I take a deep breath and remember what they did for me and what they are going through. The Ranches are really therapeutic. It's not just about the parties sometimes it's like to hold someone and let the hurt go is better than the party or to laugh with the ladies for the first time in months is another reason I enjoy the Ranches. Like I said it is my escape. It's a place where I can go and be taken care of because when I'm home I'm taking care of someone else.
    Take Care
  6. RubyRae
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    RubyRae Well-Known Member

    Great thread and recognition, TD!

    I have personal experience with this. My grandma is my caregiver to my grandpa and I help her out a lot with everything that comes with it. It can be extremely difficult to watch loved ones change into a person you barely recognize. My grandpa has Parkinson's and dementia and the last few years have been extremely tough for our family.
  7. kmerrill
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    kmerrill Well-Known Member

    Thank you! I'm glad I'm not the only one on here that's busy taking care of a family member. It sounds like our parent's roles are reversed. My Mom's the one with dementia. She's also had a couple of strokes, an overactive bladder, and weight problems. We're emotionally drained and can't wait for this to end. It's been going on for six years now. I have a new respect for people that do this for a career. Anybody that does is drastically underpaid.
    Tony Dark and RunningSquirrel like this.
  8. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    Ou are Welcome! I'm sorry that you are going through it! My grandmother had dementia and bladder cancer for 5 years but pray for your mom to get better and cherish the moments that you have with her.
  9. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    Awww you're welcome Ruby and I'm sorry you are going through this. I know every second you help your grandma she appreciates it because it gives her a break. I know when I would get a break I would just sleep. It's hard on Everyone and I think it's hard on the person who is suffering because they don't want to be a burden on us but we do all we can for them.
    Take Care Ruby and know you are Appreciated!
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  10. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    Awww you're welcome Ruby and I'm sorry you are going through this. I know every second you help your grandma she appreciates it because it gives her a break. I know when I would get a break I would just sleep. It's hard on Everyone and I think it's hard on the person who is suffering because they don't want to be a burden on us but we do all we can for them.
    Take Care Ruby and know you are Appreciated!
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  11. randyryder
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    randyryder Pure heart with a dirty mind!

    This is such a touching thread...

    -Pure heart with a dirty mind,
    Randy Ryder
    kmerrill and Tony Dark like this.
  12. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    Thank You as a caregiver I know we need encouragement and deserve appreciation! I remember when my Grandparents died people were telling Thank you for what I did for them. The thing that they didn't understand was I needed their encouragement and their help when they were alive! I was at the airport yesterday and while I was in line the lady behind me was talking about her sister! She said her sister wasn't going to watch her father because he gave her POA over him. So he is her responsibility! When you are a caregiver or a single parent it is hard to have a life and take care of another person especially by yourself but you don't do it for Thanks you do it because it is the right thing to do. Jealousy and Money also become an issue! I did what I could do for my Grandparents my brother and my Mom because it was in my heart to do it and I know they would be there for me.
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

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