Brothels Book Club

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DesertRose, Sep 4, 2017.

  1. DesertRose
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    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    Thank you all for sharing what you're reading currently.
  2. I am currently reading Addicted by Zane
  3. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    I'm Reading Flight or Fright, a collection of short horror stories with an aviation theme. Edited by Stephen King.
  4. Diary of a Sex Fiend is a great book!!!!
    DesertRose likes this.
  5. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    It's interesting that you posted a pic on another thread that appears to have that book in the background. Is that your library?
  6. JadeMonroe
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    JadeMonroe Well-Known Member

    ED05EB7A-618F-4C25-8EED-E949506C26E6.jpeg F5CC4AC4-C8FF-47BE-93B6-8F94AC67AF79.jpeg
    My current for-fun read!!!! It’s actually a really good book, so far. Very informative. If anyone is interested in biographies this is definitely a must read.
    DesertRose and Arthur Dent like this.
  7. DesertRose
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    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    What are you reading these days?
  8. Rereading Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian right now. If you've never read it before, be warned it can be..... heavy at times. The book takes a look at a desolate, depraved mid to late 1800's southwest and follows a character only known as "the kid" who eventually becomes "the man" in his travels from joining a military filibuster to claim Mexican territory, running from warring Native Americans, and joining an illegal gang in Mexico and chronologizing their activities while also meeting a "Judge Holden" who overtime is almost characterized to be the embodiment of Death.

    Overall it's a good book, it just can be heavy for some people. It takes a bleak, depraved setting and manages to paint it even more grey, while throwing in some mysticism with picture perfect detailing.
    DesertRose likes this.
  9. 51ibuPcSgOL._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg
    Currently reading Emma!
    DesertRose and FuzzyPeaches like this.
  10. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    Dare I say it....

    The Cat Who Talked Turkey.
  11. DesertRose
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    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    Sounds like another great book to read. Thank you for sharing this with us.
  12. Fozzie
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    Fozzie Well-Known Member

    I've also heard Blood Meridian is a heavy hitter. I've read McCarthy's The Road before, which is great. I've been meaning to read his other popular one No Country for Old Men and maybe/possibly/undecided for All The Pretty Horses.

    Currently I am reading Codename Villanelle by Luke Jennings (inspiration for Killing Eve).
    DesertRose likes this.
  13. DesertRose
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    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    So far which has been your favorite book to read out of your wonderful list?
  14. Fozzie
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    Fozzie Well-Known Member

    The Road by Cormac McCarthy and The Daughters of Mars by Thomas Keneally are pretty good for the titles that I have mentioned on here already.
    DesertRose likes this.
  15. DesertRose
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    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    What are you all reading these days?
    Me: I'm currently working Grays Anatomy so I can take a few CNA classes this summer.
    Old Nick likes this.
  16. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    The Stranger Diaries by Elly Griffiths
    Last edited: May 6, 2019
  17. Fozzie
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    Fozzie Well-Known Member

    Just finished Chris Kattan's autobiography, "Baby, Don't Hurt Me". It's a sad story, but intriguing at the same time.
  18. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    Just finished The Chariot Makers by Steve Matchett. Good background of the design and construction of Formula One cars.
    Lunch Buffett likes this.
  19. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    I just ordered "How to Become a Federal Criminal: An Illustrated Handbook for the Aspiring Offender".

    I'm so out of control. Somebody stop me!
  20. Just finished Through Wolfs Eyes by Jane lindscold.

    Currentily I'm thinking of reading a biography next.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
  21. Fozzie
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    Fozzie Well-Known Member

    Currently, I am about a third of the way through Needful Things by Stephen King and halfway through Killing Eve: No Tomorrow by Luke Jennings.
  22. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    I'm reading "Pot Stories for the Soul".
  23. KikiLover
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    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    This is such an interesting thread,
    thanks for posting [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  24. KikiLover
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    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    This is such an interesting thread,
    thanks for posting [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  25. KikiLover
    Chat with Me

    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    This is such an interesting thread,
    thanks for posting [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

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