⭐️ Scared to lose your Virginity? -Things to know about your first time!⭐️

Discussion in 'World Famous BunnyRanch Forum (Carson City)' started by pantera, Jan 20, 2018.

  1. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    "You haven't had sex yet?"

    There is nothing wrong with you! Over the years, I’ve met many men who are still virgins at 30+ years of age and almost every time, they are riddled with insecurities surrounding their virginity. The list just goes on and on and it often becomes so overwhelming that they end up avoiding women altogether.

    "Have no fear, Pantera is here!"

    If you’re still a virgin, it can feel like you’re the last person on earth who hasn’t had sex, but you are not alone. Statistics show that 1.1 million Americans between the ages of 25 and 40 are still virgins. Before you discovered the BunnyRanch, you probably didn't know how to go about changing it. Now you're here, you've found me and you're ready to take your first step!

    "This will be the start of a HEALTHY sex life!"

    Losing your virginity to me will not only feel good, but will also benefit you in other ways.

    You will:
    - Feel comfortable around women
    -Reduce anxiety
    -Gain confidence
    -Develop social skills
    -Feel comfortable with intimacy
    -Unlock your sexual potential

    "Why should I choose you?"

    You will find that I am delightfully open-minded, nurturing, sensual, attentive, and playful. Within minutes of meeting me, you will feel safe, relaxed, and at ease, like we have been friends forever. I want to make it an extremely special experience and will appreciate that you have chosen me as your first. You'll have fun and so will I! :)


    For any further questions,
    Please contact me!
    X/Twitter: @BunnyPantera
    [email protected]
    Website: www.pantera-live.com

    253034833015212 copy.png

    Last edited: May 4, 2024
  2. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    To be honest with you the first few girls I saw I couldn't orgasm but they were short parties and I wasn't use to having sex but the 3rd girl I saw I had a lot more time and really learned a lot it seemed like it was extremely hard the first few times but the more I partied the easier it got. I don't get nervous about not being able to finish or around pretty girls I'm use to it. Theres no need to fear pantara would be a great woman to lose your virginity to. Its like anything else it gets easier the more you do it so practice makes perfect just enjoy and relax. I didn't lose my virginity until I was 20 but it was worth the wait the kind of women I get to see. Pantara is amazing.
  3. kaynine26
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    kaynine26 Well-Known Member

    Great post and beautiful pictures, Pantera! I will admit, this does sound a lot like me. Being a 30 year old virgin, I find it difficult to want to be around women or date, and a big reason why I want to lose my virginity at the Bunny Ranch (or one its sister brothels). And also why I feel like going to a brothel is the only way I can experience intimacy with a woman.
  4. caressakisses
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    caressakisses Caressakisses.com

    She’s is th perfect mix of sweet and sexy for your first time!!
    Trailboss, PhoenixRising and pantera like this.
  5. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much, Caressa! Xoxo [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  6. @pantera is literally such a great girl to loose your virginity with! She's so kind and approachable you won't be anxious at all!
    PhoenixRising and pantera like this.
  7. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    Very sweet Aurora! Thanks so much :) Partying with you the other day was amazing btw! xoxo
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  8. VeronicaLovewell
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    VeronicaLovewell Your favorite California girl!

    Virgins are so much fun!!! Choosing to lose it with Pantera will for sure make it unforgettable!
    PhoenixRising and pantera like this.
  9. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    PhoenixRising likes this.
  10. Cora Cody
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    Cora Cody Well-Known Member

    Any guy would be lucky to lose it to you!! You have everything that anyone could ever desire in a woman ♡ Pick Pantera for your first!!
    Trailboss, PhoenixRising and pantera like this.
  11. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    Even though I'm not a virgin I am a Pantera virgin so our first part next month feels like I am! I am nervous but I'm more excited than I am nervous because it's with a Beautiful Woman who has Become my Beautiful Friend! This helps calm my nerves and our other Beautiful Friend joining us will really help my nerves a lot!
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif]
    Trailboss and PhoenixRising like this.
  12. God how I wish you were my first
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  13. This is a great Post Pantera! I love it! You're a perfect girl for a a Virgin Experience! You'll make them feel so comfortable!
    PhoenixRising and pantera like this.
  14. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    Thanks Harley!! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  15. OliviaGreen
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    OliviaGreen Luxury Courtesan

    Pantera your pictures are absolutely gorgeous the one with you looking at use deep in the eyes is Amazing!
    Gentlemen for your first experience into your sexuality I highly recommend Pantera...

    Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk
    Trailboss, PhoenixRising and pantera like this.
  16. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    Thank you Olivia! It was nice meeting you last night!
    PhoenixRising and OliviaGreen like this.
  17. I know, if I were a guy, I would feel very comfortable with partying with you:)!
    PhoenixRising and pantera like this.
  18. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    Aww you can party with me anyway! Let's hope someone books us for a two girl! *fingers crossed*
    PhoenixRising and AveryLee like this.
  19. I would love that:)!! you are a very pretty girl, I love my brunettes! Classic beauties:)
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  20. You know what I would do? Book this beautiful lady TODAY!!!
  21. cumishaamado
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    cumishaamado Love Virgins, Couples & Girlfriend Experience

    Awesome information!!! Book a party with her today with many memorable experiences to cum!!![smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  22. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    Thanks again Cumisha. Very sweet of you
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  23. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    @TonyDark I’m really excited too! I’m glad you’re as juiced as I am. I feel like I’m doing a couples party with you and Randy!
    PhoenixRising and Tony Dark like this.
  24. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    It makes me feel special that I can get a Beautiful Woman like you excited to be Partying with me! I am Extremly pumped about this party! It will be fun learning how much pumping I will need to do to please you and Randy! That is so cool to approach this party like a couples party. I always wondered what that is like! I'm so excited about this party! Thinking about it like Randy and I are coming to see you makes it even more exciting!
    We are going to have a lot of fun as we build to a 2 girl outdate and then a 2 girl Vegas Adventure!
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif]
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  25. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    I look like a goofball. :( :( :(
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  26. chanel
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    chanel See me for an exclusive encounter

    You make everyone feel so comfortable so yea virgins will have the ultimate experience
    Trailboss and PhoenixRising like this.
  27. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Buddy

    [smilie=i love you1.gif]

    PhoenixRising likes this.

  28. You are a goofball sure, but a beautiful one nonetheless
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  29. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    You’re very sweet lovebug :) :)
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  30. Bobbi Besos
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    Bobbi Besos Well-Known Member

    You're so sweet!!! you guys are in great hands!!! XoXo
    PhoenixRising likes this.
  31. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    I'm not a Virgin but I'm an Excited and Nervous Pantera Virgin! Pantera has been calming my nerves for my first 2 girl with her and Randy! I haven't had a two girl party in a year and this will be my first party with Pantera! My party is in two weeks! So as you can imagine I'm freaking out! But Pantera has been patient and sweet and answering all my questions and just listening to me. It's not my first party but Pantera has really helped calm my nerves for our first party! So to any Virgin or Pantera Virgin I know she will take care of you.
    PhoenixRising and pantera like this.
  32. Aspen North
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    Aspen North Alaskan Snow Bunny

    Pantera does put you at ease, she is very easy to be around and a lot of fun : )
    Trailboss and PhoenixRising like this.
  33. pantera
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    pantera Well-Known Member

    Yay!! You're in great hands. Don't worry too much. Randy and I are going to take care of you :) :)
  34. Tony Dark
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    Tony Dark Well-Known Member

    I know I'm in Great Hands and I know you and Randy will take care of me. I honestly have never been this Nervous and Excited for a party! Out of all of my two girl combos this is the one I've been waiting for. It's been since 2012 since I had a two girl with two of my favorite bunnies and I feel even closer to you and Randy than I did those two! I get Butterflies when I think about it. We have so many exciting parties outdates and a very special overnight planned after this party! This first party is the beginning of all that Fun! I am Excited for this Pantera Nervous but Very Excited!
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=hot over you.gif]
    destinistarr likes this.
  35. Sounds like the perfect lady to relax with and just let go
    destinistarr and Jimbob69 like this.

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