Ruby Rae (Parties 2,3, and 4: "The Ruby Vibe")

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by MusicMan, Sep 22, 2011.

  1. After having such a good time meeting, and partying, with Ruby Rae from my last trip, I already knew that one party with this beautiful lady wouldn't be enough this trip...and what was planned as two parties, quickly turned to three as I was really enjoying my time with her so much! :D

    First off, I made plans to see Ruby at a certain time, and with a certain outfit! She already knows that I really like her purple babydoll outfit (I only told her about 20 times on the forum how much I like that outfit, LOL!), and then while sitting in the parlor, I see this gracefull lady in a purple outfit walking toward me from the corner of my eye. I look over, and yay, there's Ruby! She looks as beautiful as ever, if not even more beautiful this trip, and it was just nice to see her again. We sat down and started talking for while, getting caught up on everything. As we were talking, I started noticing something, though I couldn't put my finger on it. It's just something I call "The Ruby Vibe." So, what is "The Ruby Vibe?" My honest answer is "I don't know!" LOL! The only analogy I can think of is the Victoria Secret phenominon. You can ask any warm blooded, American male what Victoria's Secret is, and they won't be able to answer properly, just saying something like "I don't know what the secret is, but I like it!" Well, it's the same way with Ruby! I don't know exactly what it is, I just know that I like her vibe!!!

    Well, eventually we head back to her room after a quick negotiation, and while we are in there getting ready to party, I tell her about "The Ruby Vibe." She laughs, and said she likes that phrase. She would say something, and I would look at her and say "Yep, it's all part of The Ruby Vibe!"

    The party with her was FANTASTIC as usual! It was very sensual, passionate, and exciting. Once again, we got creative with pillows to make it work with our height difference, and it's always fun to spice things up with different positioning with pillows! It's safe to say I was one happy camper (inside joke to Ruby, LOL!). The funny thing about that party was, before it got started, I was just feeling all happy and excited, and was saying the silliest things to her...we were both laughing and giggling, and I got to thinking that if somebody walked by her room, and heard all the laughing in there, they would've had to thought "what on Earth is going on in there?!"

    At least this trip, I didn't underestimate Ruby like I did the trip before! Oh, and my other two parties with her were FANTASTIC as well! And the thing about repeating with Ruby is that as she gets more and more comfortable with you, the experience gets better and better! She's very good at finding out what it is you like to do during the party, and then delievering that for you. I was once again treated like a king, and it makes for an unforgettable experience that I will treasure until the day I get to see her again!

    As other's have said, Ruby's reviews are spot on, and there is a very good reason that her fans speak so highly of her. She gives you a fun, memorable overall experience from start to finish, from the interesting conversation in the parlor, to the passionate experience in her room, to the fun conversation afterward, to the warm goodbye when you leave, to the appreciative PM/email that awaited me when I returned home. It's just all part of "The Ruby Vibe!" And after three more fun parties with Ruby this trip, I'm already looking forward to seeing her again when I return in February!

    Thanks again, Ruby, for another memorable, and most importantly, FUN TIME! I look forward to the day I see you again in February! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  2. After listening to you talk about her for the last two months..I knew I wouldn't be able to wedge myself in there long enough to party with her.. You two were joined at the hip pretty good the whole week. Ruby is a beautiful, sweet young lady and it was a real pleasure meeting her this last trip. Next trip I'm gonna booby trap your car though 8)

  3. MM!

    This is one of the best reviews that I've ever gotten :) We have so much fun together and have great talks and great sex! And they just keep getting better and better! :) I love when you come see me, and I can't wait for birthday sex in February :D

    KISSES, lots and lots.

    <3 Ruby Rae
  4. JadeCapri
    Chat with Me

    JadeCapri Genuine•Embracing•Assisting conquer inadequacies

    Ruby is a dear friend and so are you MM. Great words about our Ruby [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  5. Next week! Hip hip Hurray!
  6. That is wonderful sweety, you sure have a great girl on your hands
  7. Great review.
  8. Thank you for the posting the review MusicMan!
  9. nataliaqing
    Chat with Me

    nataliaqing Well-Known Member

    Great review, MusicMan! Ruby is a cutie [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]


  10. Your welcome for the review, and you are in for a treat next week!!!

  11. Yes, Ruby is indeed beautiful and sweet, and anybody that gets to spend time with her is in for a fun experience.

    And I told you to consider partying with her, but I think you got too busy with all the parties and being sidetracked by all the other hot ladies out there, LOL! You get sidetracked really easy, bro! :shock:

  12. Ruby, I'm glad you liked this review! And I'm honored that you consider this one of the best reviews you've ever gotten! :D

    We do have so much fun together, and I look forward to birthday sex in February! :wink: Our parties get better and better, so when February comes around, it's going to be yet another memorable time together! :D

    Kisses back to you, and I'll see you in four months! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  13. Thanks Kimberly! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

    I agree, Ruby is awesome! It's all part of the "Ruby Vibe"!

  14. Thanks Jade, I'm glad you liked the review.

    I always appreciate the kind words you have for me, too, and it was great seeing you again as always. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  15. Thanks RBPoore.

    And yes, you understand what the "Ruby Vibe" is like, and the positive effect it can have on a person...and that's why you can't wait to December!

    I got until February until I experience the Ruby Vibe again, but it's worth the wait knowing what is ahead...

  16. Thanks Cindi! And how lucky you are to be able to see her and your fellow ladies every day!

  17. Thanks Jimi!

  18. Your welcome! I'm glad you liked it.

  19. Thank you Natalia! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  20. A picture of Ruby Rae and I at Dennis' party.

    Ruby was dressed as a Fortune Teller, so I asked her to tell me my fortune. She said, "I see you in the very near future wanting to party with me."

    "Wow," I thought to myself. "She's a really good Fortune Teller...and all this time I thought she was just wearing the costume to be wearing it." :shock:



  21. You always write good reviews :) I'm counting down the days until your next trip!

  22. Sweaty Ruby from dancing.....haha, I'm glad we got some pictures together this time!

  23. I love it!! Great pic..some average sized guy must have taken that :shock:

  24. JadeCapri
    Chat with Me

    JadeCapri Genuine•Embracing•Assisting conquer inadequacies

    I wonder who?
    That is a nice picture! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  25. LOL!!!
  26. :wink: :wink: Getting Ruby centered up in the shot was obviously the most important offense MusicMan :lol:

  27. Amazing review! Ruby is simply gorgeous.
  28. Thanks Ruby! I'm counting down the days until my next trip, too! :wink: Time is already moving fast!

  29. I'm glad we got some pics together too! :D I think they turned out really good. I can't wait to take some more when I return!

  30. I'm glad you like the pic!

    And you may think of yourself as average, but as many times as you party in a week, you are no average mortal! :lol:

  31. Thanks Jade!

    I hope to get my picture taken with you next time as well! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  32. None taken! That was what I was hoping you would do! :lol:

  33. Thanks Mixie!

    Yes, Ruby is an amazing woman that also happens to be gorgeous!

  34. Thank you, Mixie! I think you are so beautiful!

  35. Yes, it is! I can't believe it. We're already in November! February will be here in no time at all. YAY!

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