German Bunny?

Discussion in 'Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette' started by Anonymous, Mar 1, 2010.

  1. Hi Denna, what makes you a German Bunny?
  2. Well, jheadapo, I'm currently in Germany, and I'm also half-German. I think that may qualify me for the title - at least the German part. Hopefully the Bunny part will be coming soon ;)
  3. JustinC
    Chat with Me

    JustinC Active Member

    Bumping the Hopeful German Bunny! Hope you hear something soon. :| [smilie=happy.gif]
  4. Go for it! :) You are beautiful and very sweet and you have the ambition and the drive. You can do it! I know you can and you'll be great at it.
  5. Aw, ty JustinC! :)

    And thank you so much, misternatural, for your vote of confidence in me :)

    Just a general update folks, everything's still going alright over here. Sadly I'm still unemployed, but working on getting that changed.
    Still going to the gym as per usual, and finally getting a bit more strength in my punches. Still having a heck of a time keeping my face blocked though :(

    Speaking of my gym, for anyone that'll be in Germany around the 10th of April, my gym will be hosting some fights that day. There will be a couple big fights, such as fights for the title of German and European master. These will of course be Muay Thai fights. If anyone wants to know any more about this event, feel free to let me know.

    On another note, going out to audition for Little Shop of Horrors at the theater tomorrow. Hopefully I do alright!
  6. Hmmm maybe we can spar sometime. :D Just go easy on me lol
  7. Looks sweet!!!!
  8. Thanks Woody!

    A general update for everyone - I finally have a job, waitressing at one of the local Cafe's. Not much, but sure is a hell of a lot better than the nothing I had before :)

  9. Congrats Sweetie, on the new job :D
  10. You are doing a great job honey!!!! Keep it up!!!
  11. Thanks Beau! Though I'm currently a trainee, and so I'm supposed to only work 2-3 days a week...and they haven't called me with my schedule yet :(
  12. Good luck on the new job!

    Don't forget to tell them you have human ears too!

  13. Were you born in Germany? Your english is great.
  14. No, jheadapo, I was born in the US, but moved to Germany before I turned 1, however, I've been in American schools since 1st grade.

    And yes, I made sure to let them know about my human ears ;)
  15. Agh! So excited. Finally noticing myself get better at Muay Thai. I'm faster, People don't have to remind me to block my head so much...not to mention my body's looking AMAZING :)

  16. Awesome ! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=hot over you.gif]
  17. I'm so sorry I've been gone for so long everyone!
    Life has really gotten so busy lately, three birthdays in close succession, my parent's anniversary, and my little sister was in the hospital (nothing too bad, just an issue with her appendix).

    So, after this weekend, which will involve some fun dress shopping, and going to watch some really big fights, everything will hopefully calm down a bit :)

    Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter!
  18. Welcome back cute German Bunny!

    [smilie=hi ya!.gif]

  19. Mwahhh We still luv ya sweetie [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] Where there any good fights?
  20. Well, the fights are this Saturday, will keep you guys posted on that for sure, hoping to remember my camera.

    Hehe, thanks Beau, glad someone still does :)
  21. I'm a bunny hopeful, too. You're really pretty and seem to want to be a bunny as badly as I do! :D Good luck honey, I hope you make it to the ranch soon :)
  22. Aw, thanks Hot Tramp!
    And I think the name is quite appropriate ;)
    Hope you make it as well!

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