Dennis Hof = Dream Boat!

Discussion in 'Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette' started by ElleDarling, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. I recently heard Dennis on one of my favorite Podcasts, and had to check out the BR site and register for the message boards. I LOVED watching CatHouse on HBO (when it first came on I was in high school and had to "sneak" to watch it so my ultra-Catholic mom wouldn't see!) and I swear it was Dennis who ignited my love of older men! He's a firecracker! Ow Ow Owwww! A few years ago I was going through my friends requests on social media (can't remember if it was Myspace or Facebook- I think I'm one of the only people in the world who no longer has SM accounts!) and I was surprised to see one of the requests was from Dennis himself- how random! He sent me a message saying he loved my pictures- especially because I was a tall blonde in a red mini dress with red nails, haha (my signature look!). I wish I didn't live on the opposite end of the country or else I'd pop in for a drink! Anyway- just wanted to say LOVED the interview and love you Dennis! Your work ethic is admirable, business skills genius and you're so smart and savvy! Hope everyone down at the ranch is having a great summer!
    [smilie=call me.gif] (wink::wink!)


  2. How very sweet of you Elle to listen to Dennis and keep up with him all these years, I too was smitten with Dennis, he was like a movie star to me when I used to watch HBO's Cathouse and keep up with him and the Bunny Ranch/ Brothels that Dennis owns. Then one day I took the plunge and actually I now am an IC here at Alien Cathouse. Dennis Hof is all you think he is and more, as someone who has had the opportunity to meet him I will tell you some day you need to take the trip and stop by for a drink.

    Good Luck and Prosperity to you
  3. Ava Grace
    Chat with Me

    Ava Grace Well-Known Member

    Very nice review! Big D is amazing in so many ways. I hope you get the opportunity to make it out this way at least once
  4. JadeCapri
    Chat with Me

    JadeCapri Genuine•Embracing•Assisting conquer inadequacies

    How nice of you to write this post Ellie. I am sure when Dennis read it he will send you a note.
    Now, I would love to see that picture :)

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  5. 10/1

    He is quite the fire cracker...
    Come to working girl Wenesdays at Red Light...
    We had a blast last time.
    Xo oX
  6. Re: 10/1

    OMFG Chloe you stood the show at Working girl wednesday at the Red Light Cabaret, you can really dance your ass off!
  7. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] That's why he's "Big Daddy" [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

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