Thank You Bunny Ranch (Bailey, Kendra Kiss, Nikki)

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by Nick XXX, Oct 19, 2009.

  1. Just got to give a huge thanks to the Bunny Ranch for the best summer and fall of my life. You girls at the ranch are beautiful, amazing, and intelligent and make a guy feel like he's had a little piece of heaven. Being a federal firefighter I'm always on the run and never have time to deal with the dramas of real relationships or deal with women who complain that i'm not there enough. Or how about the dating climate period? Haha I'm sure many know what I mean. Hey when a guy needs some loving he needs some loving. But anyways I wanted to give a special thanks to my 4 special girls i visited in the last 4 months.

    Bailey Monroe- Ah where would I be without you Bailey? You introduced me to the ranch and gave me my first experience at the ranch back in July, a month when I had about two days off. Crazy times but you gave me quite the wild time and a experience that got me hooked. You are such a hot and wild blonde and not only that your smart. I really enjoyed talking to you after our party as well, couldnt believe all the places you been and that you were such a smart chick back in your college days. If I ever need another wild party i know where to look. :wink:

    Kendra Kiss - Well I knew after the first time going to the ranch that it wouldnt be my last and sure enough I went back to Carson City for some loving again in August. This time I picked Kendra who was more my age and a very sweet, sexy , and awesome girl. Cant thank you enough Kendra for showing a guy the more sweet girlfriend experience side of sex and the bunny ranch. You were also very awesome to hang out with afterwards. I hope between the sex and all those energy drinks i gotcha didnt make your heart explode. Haha corny I know but in all seriousness thank you for such a wonderful time at the end of summer kendra. :)

    Nikki Breeze - Wow what can I say about Nikki Breeze. I don't think words can describe you Nikki, you are such a amazing woman its not even funny. The moment I walked in the ranch in september and my third time your smile and eyes just blew me away. Then your voice just sent chills up my spine. Nikki you are the ultimate girlfriend experience and quite possibly my greatest experience ever. You were my first bunny I spent two hours with as well and after awesome sex you took me to the hot tub for some champaigne and such a relaxing time. I loved talking to you and i loved how real of a person you are. You are gold nikki and whoever may get you as a girlfriend in the far future is one lucky man (or woman). :wink:

    Thanks again to Dennis, the girls and the Bunny Ranch in ending this decade the right way and hopefully begining the 2010's with a blast of brand new unique experiences.

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  2. kevinz0071
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    kevinz0071 Well-Known Member

    Re: Thank You Bunny Ranch (Bailey, Kendra Kiss, Nikki, Max)

    Cooool visits whoo hoo glad you had a great time

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