Post virus vacation

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sakaki, Jul 27, 2020.

  1. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    I wanted to go to la and rent a hotel on Malibu beach but with all the covid cases in California that might not be a good idea. Maybe I'll go to Wyoming if all else fails. I have to go somewhere I can't just use my last week of vacation time sitting at home. Anyone have any vacation plans?
  2. AlexaWu
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    AlexaWu Well-Known Member

    That's a great idea. OC has an alarmingly high rate of cases. If you book an airbnb you could ask the host to block off the day before (or more) for you so no other guests stay and you can relax in peace.

    I want to go somewhere too with a beach, let the ocean waves take the stress away.
  3. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    I'm going somewhere dispite covid i don't understand why people are canceling their vacations. This virus will be around a few years likely. Are some people not going to travel until then. You can catch covid at work or at the grocery store it's in all 50 states now anyway. I might not be able to go to the ranch but ill go somewhere. I'm not letting covid ruin my year.
  4. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    Colorado New Mexico and Utah have low covid cases if your looking for a vacation. Colorado is 1 of 11 states that has legal recreational marijuana so if you want to get your smoke on its a great place to go
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2020
  5. The problem with traveling during the pandemic is you run the risk of states closing their borders if rates spike too high.
    Oregon, California, Nevada, Washington, New York and both Carolina's at some point closed borders or forbid visits without parts or contracts that necessitated your traveling to their state. Most of those have been lifted, but that is always an option Governors can use.
    I had all my Las Vegas, Reno, St. Louis,Buffalo and Miami plans nixed by the cities, hotels, or airlines initially and then when full rebates were offered I cancelled the rest.
    In my opinion too risky to travel and be stuck somewhere and have to find alternate accommodations or worse be quarantined through no fault of your own.
    The new normal is here, it will take some time to navigate it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 22, 2020
  6. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    I'm not sacrificing going on vacation the next few years because of this virus. I made sure to pick a state that doesn't require a quarantine. I think their are only a handful of states that make you do it anyway.
  7. tahoebigbear
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    tahoebigbear Well-Known Member

    check out renting a small motor home. there's lots of great places you can go and visit.
  8. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    How exactly would someone be forced to quarantined? Let's say I was going somewhere like Hawaii that has a quarantine for travelers. Is it one of those laws that I'm suppose to follow but can't be enforced or would there be security watching me for 14 days to make sure I don't go anywhere. Luckily I'm not going anywhere that has a mandatory quarantine.

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