Old Skills You Don't Use....

Discussion in 'Games' started by HollySin, Oct 12, 2018.

  1. HollySin
    Chat with Me

    HollySin Now at Alien Cathouse

    Name something that is a skill you have or something you know how to do, but don't use......or haven't used in awhile. I will start:

    Last edited: Oct 12, 2018
  2. Here is something I haven't done in years, but I used to be pretty good:

    Audio mixing for live shows

    Singing is another I haven't used in a long time.

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  3. HollySin
    Chat with Me

    HollySin Now at Alien Cathouse

    Lily Poole likes this.
  4. Creative Writing

    JustJoeInPowell likes this.
  5. Writing poetry

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    Lily Poole likes this.
  6. Chess. I haven't played in ages.
    Arthur Dent likes this.
  7. Same here

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    Lily Poole likes this.
  8. AjaMercury
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    AjaMercury Heavenly Mercury Incarnate

    Clarinet, crocheting, Carpentry, A few Languages
  9. ChicagoBob
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    ChicagoBob Well-Known Member

    Dancing... I used to teach dance in the country bars years ago. I can still cut a rug even today!
    DesertRose likes this.
  10. Um, I know how to use a Library Card Catalogue. Does that count? lol

    Aaaah, gotta love the good ol' dewy decimal system

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    BellaWest, Arthur Dent and DesertRose like this.
  11. DesertRose
    Chat with Me

    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    Playing Spades or Pinchole.
    Especially beinging from Las Vegas lol.
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    JustJoeInPowell likes this.
  12. I haven't played either of those in a long time

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  13. When I concentrate, I have excellent penmanship. :)
    DesertRose likes this.
  14. TiredFrog
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    TiredFrog Well-Known Member

    Having sex with someone else.... I remember this vaguely and I seem to recall it was pleasurable....
    MollyBlingwall and DesertRose like this.
  15. DesertRose
    Chat with Me

    DesertRose Renaissance Lady's Rendezvous!

    Playing Tick Tac Toe or Hopscotch .
    Hmmm maybe we should play Hopscotch at the brothels.
  16. Fixing radios and electronic equipment. Now that everything has a chip or is actually an app those skill needs have gone the way of the dinosaurs. LOL
  17. Spelling. I used to get them sweet sweet twinkies from lunches to let my dyslexic buddies copy my spelling tests hehe :)
    Sharky likes this.
  18. carlitoalex
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    carlitoalex Well-Known Member

    Riding my bike. I haven't ridden my bike in years.
  19. Playing the violin! And the guitar!
    Sharky and JustJoeInPowell like this.
  20. Skating. Rollerblading, quad skating, and ice skating. :)
    1 person likes this.
  21. Theyrr
    They're still fun and a lot of cities have rollerblade leagues.
  22. Catching, handling and inspecting bats in mist nets at cave entrances in the middle of the night for government research purposes.
    Yep, that was a skill I was paid for, but don't have much use for anymore. lol.
    BellaWest, Arthur Dent and Sharky like this.
  23. Knows of the Dewey decimal system and mist netting. Swoon. What other hidden talents has she?
  24. Long division. (I hate 30 characters).
  25. Learning lines for plays or skits. I love that we don’t need to do that for Livestream and can just wing it :)
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  26. TONS. @Natasha Star is such a multi-faceted interesting person, she is definitely someone you should get to know. :)
  27. Jessica Riley
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    Jessica Riley Well-Known Member

    You had to catch bats? That sounds crazy!!
  28. Yep! It was awesome. :) Tiny, feisty lil' buggers.
  29. I was pretty pretttttyyy mean at Tetris. ;)
    Haven't played it in years, but maybe I'll dust off the skills for the new one soon.
    JamieJupiter likes this.
  30. How do you like the newer versions for the newer consoles, @Lily Poole? They seem quite intimidating to me :)
  31. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    Programming in BASIC............................................
  32. I used to be able to remember people’s phone numbers... :)
  33. 10 REM Hello World in BASIC
    20 PRINT "Hello World"
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  34. Arthur Dent
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    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    For an endless loop add,
    30 GOTO 20
    JamieJupiter likes this.
  35. Aircraft mechanic, got licensed in 2001 and never touched a plane since. My two FAA,ASE and EPA licenses are now collecting dust in the safe.
    JamieJupiter likes this.

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