Nov 2012 - My 7th Party with the Beautiful Jordan

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by nationalgreg, Mar 6, 2013.

  1. I have had the honor of knowing Jordan for almost 4 years now. She has got to be the most down to earth, humble, flirty, sweet, naughty, giving woman I have ever met. She has a confidence about her that only adds to her already top of the line personality!

    I happened to arrive at the ranch during the birthday party for Crock. It was a wild a crazy night. I have to say that the hotel that Jordan, Jayla & I built was the best. We slipped away for a quick planning session so that we could plan our party for the next evening. We picked out outfits, and we were ready!

    After I completed my activities the next day, I got ready, and drove myself to the ranch. Jordan greeted me, and we retired to her room. We made sure everything was ready, booked our party, and had our best party yet.

    Jordan should have won COY last year, in my opinion, and she be in the running this year as well.

    Jordan, I know you are away from the ranch right now, and I hope you return soon. Party #8 is calling!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=be mine!.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  2. Great Reviews for the Beautiful miss Jordan she is amazing [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  3. She IS amazing, and so are you!!!

    [smilie=be mine!.gif]

  4. #8 is right around the corner and I can't wait! :D

    our time together just gets better and better! And I can't wait to see you soon! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  5. Yes, a mere 4 1/2 weeks away! It's going to be fun!

    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  6. ....and it just keeps getting better and better! It was so nice to see you again!

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