I'm assuming those local know of this guy?????

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jessie Summers, Jun 16, 2020.

  1. Upon doing some 'online random searches' today, I came across this guy who came up with the idea of "creating his own micro-country" while in high school in 1970s.

    Somehow, he and his minions landed up the road on the north side of Dayton in the "Nation of Molossia", which they claim to be a nation separate from the U.S.A., but has not been recognized by the U.N. or anything official.

    Just curious as to if the working girls or the employees of the ranches know of this guy or his "country-men"????? I don't know whether to laugh or be inspired LOL




  2. gLip5
    Chat with Me

    gLip5 Well-Known Member

    Funny you mention him. I've actually been meaning to visit Molossia when I try to visit the ranches... I'm even gonna bring my passport to get it stamped!
    Jessie Summers likes this.
  3. I was reading this article actually thinking that this guy and Dennis probably got along great (assuming they both met at some point)
  4. Jim DiGriz
    Chat with Me

    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    If only there were a rare, expensive metal underground there (like a real-world Vibranium) that was only there, we could see how far this sovereign nation thing could go.
  5. I've never met him. I have certainly thought of him and this country since the occupation in Seattle. Funny how this guy can PEACEFULLY, without harm, danger or disruption can get, declare, have and be recognized for his micro country. He got his late father's land declared a National Monument and the list goes on.....

    I really like that his currency is based on cookie dough. :p
    ROADRUNNER J and Jessie Summers like this.

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