how'd dennis and Madam Suzette met

Discussion in 'Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette' started by Anonymous, Nov 14, 2005.

  1. I'm curious about how you two met up? was through a friend? Chance meeting or newspaper ad? If its none of my business that cool too.
  2. i remember reading a post from suzette saying she answered an ad in the newspaper or something...
  3. cool tyvm hun :wink:
  4. Yes, I think that was mentioned in the HBO series....
  5. back in 1993, I saw a little tiny ad that read "hostess needed" and the rest is history. met dennis that day.
  6. Did you realize that hostess meant Madame of a legal brothel when you read the ad. Where you surprised when you found out :eek: ?
  7. tiny ad

    Actually, the ad read hostess needed. so that's where I started and worked my self up from being a door hostess. a door hostess is not the madam. the madam is the general manager. just wanted to clear that up. hostess, bartender, cashier, staff manager, assistant and then general manager. which means simply, I run the business as Dennis sees fit.
  8. Oh ok, so you didn't start out as the madame. Well one things for sure you are the sexiest madame I've ever seen. If you ever decide to jump in the line ups with the girls let me know. I'll come & party with you for sure :wink:
  9. sexy madam

    why thank you very much. but I have to warn you, Im a little shy.

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