Grizzly (Jeremy) update on my health

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by grizzly, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

    Many of you know I started at the ranches in the Spring of 2004, I have met so many amazing ladies, gentleman, staff over the years. I have been honored to support you ladies through all the political battles.

    I have a couple of trips planned this year, however I am facing a few minor health scares right now. Due to my years of partying (alcohol), my soda and energy drink habit from working a high stress job and the struggle to eat reqular healthy meals at regular hours.

    Shortly before moving to Texas I was diagnoised with what the doctor thought was Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Diesease.

    Today January 16th, 2023 I went in to see my new doctor I finally found since moving to Texas. He diagnoised me with Hepatic steatosis, he is concerned since for the past year and half I was drinking a 6 pack of Dr. Pepper a day plus at least 3 Monster Energy drinks, to handle the stress that comes with working in a prison.
    I also have High Blood Pressure, High Cholesterol and my Eye Doctor noticed a flame shape of blood with a white dot in my eye scan, which is potentially indicative of high blood pressure or diabetes.

    On January 30th, I have to go in for a US Elastography and US Liver Test to see what the condition of my Liver is and if has gotten worse.

    With the frame of mind I was in last year do to a serious incident that occured at the prison I work at., I didn't care what happened to me.

    After taking almost 3 major back to back trips to get my mental health right, I met some amazing people that helped pull me off the ledge.
    Than just recently I decided to try and come back to the Ranches, now that Covid Protocols have been lifted.

    I met an amazing lady at the Sagebrush online and got reaquainted with one I met through Dennis 7 yrs ago over Chinese.

    I am trying on working on getting healthier, but gotta a admit facing a liver diesase is scary!

    Any tips on exercises and reciepies you want to share I am open to all suggestions

    Thankfully, I have made connections back at the ranch and I have a cheering section from my personal life that is giving me advice to help get me back in shape.

    I am 5 ft 7 and weigh in at 253 lbs. I need to lose at least 10% body at and need to radically change my diet.

    No more Sodas, Alcohol, gotta lower the carbs, saturated fats and reduce my sugar intake.

    I ask the ladies and gentleman that I have met over the years to send me some warm fuzzy feelings as I deal with this health crisis.

    As I have many adventures left in me at the ranches and in the paranormal field. Thank you for taking time to let me share with you
  2. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    I wish you health and happiness @grizzly .... I myself deal with health issues and it is no fun! Good luck going forward!
    [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
    aztecwarrior2881 and grizzly like this.
  3. KikiLover
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    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    “6 pack of Dr. Pepper a day plus at least 3 Monster Energy drinks” is A LOT!
    I’m not a doctor by any means but that definitely can not be good for you.. I would suggest cutting both of those things out and hopefully that’ll fix the damage that’s already been done. Replace them with water.. try to find another stress reliever. Sending healing :)
  4. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

    Thank you @KikiLover ! Nope it was hard on the body, sleep cycle ect. I am primarily drinking water and the occasional green tea!
    I also am trying to do more meditation ‍♂️ and getting out in nature more
    KikiLover likes this.
  5. Good for you @grizzly How are you feeling?

    How long have you been on your new health lifestyle?
    grizzly likes this.
  6. grizzly
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    grizzly Well-Known Member

    It's been tough to adjust, I have not been at very long maybe 2 weeks
  7. Canadian1987
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    Canadian1987 Well-Known Member

    Good luck kicking that soda habit man that's going to be big.

    People think you can't get addicted to that stuff you most certainly can and I assure you I was.

    There was a point in my life where I could, and did go through a a case of 12 cokes, pepsi, root beer, whatever it was nearly every day.

    A case of 24 might last 3 days and a case of 48 about a week.

    Now while I can't tell you I have completely stopped I'm down to a case every couple months. I got it under control and I have lost between 50-75 pounds just from cutting that out, no sit ups, no running, nothing just cutting out the spda.

    It's not easy but If I could do It's doable
    Old Nick and grizzly like this.

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