Dennis sudden death

Discussion in 'Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette' started by TSamPickens, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. I did not know Mr. Dennis Hof personally but, I admired him as a person. very few men have the opportunity to live the life they always dreamed of. I'm sure Mr. Hof will be missed and always loved by his friend, family and associates.
  2. Thank TSam,

    Dennis had an absolute affinity for all our message board members. He truly appreciated you and your interaction with us in this forum.

    Any message board member that ever met Dennis in person could attest, as I can, how his eyes lit up and how happy he was to meet you.

    He is the only legal brothel and multiple legal brothel owner that could be found in the parlor of all of his brothels any given day and night.

    He worked endlessly to promote us, our services and also entertain all of his customers and visitors alike as though.

    He made EVERY one feel as though they were the most important persons on earth.

    Now Dennis is one of the most important people in heaven.

    We are all reeling in grief but everything will ultimately be OK. We will all keep his legacy alive.

    We will love each other, love you and be the best we can be and selflessly serve others.

    Thank you again for your condolences. We know you are grieving too. Our hearts pour out to you. God bless!

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