Cool & Funny Stuff Bubble Wrap

Discussion in 'Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette' started by Dennis Hof, Sep 14, 2006.

  1. Big D, you are too funny. This is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I gotta share this.
  2. :D That is so cool and funny, too! Thank You for sharing that, Dennis :D
  3. Best part was manic mode
  4. thanks for sharing D, you sexy thing!
  5. Very funny Dennis, very funny.
  6. I love the nam spinner it reminds of some hot fucks I had.
  7. I loved that to.
  8. Did someone really hold that button for over six hours?
  9. That's almost as much fun as popping real bubble wrap & it's almost as addictive. Must have more ! LOL
  10. Me too. That's part of the reason I have the name, because of the Thai Basket Fuck. Incredible!!
  11. we have a sling at the ranch that spins, cummm try it out.
  12. Wow! You have everything. I'm trying to get out in early Oct. I'll ask about it.

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