Assignment: Suvari

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by astrozen, Aug 12, 2009.

  1. courtesan (noun) - a paramour, esp. one associating with noblemen or men of wealth, a well-educated and independent woman of free morals, a trained artisan of dance and singing.

    A happy mistake in my life occurred.

    I was sleepy, and ready to go bed. But before going off to sleep, I decided to check on some e-mails. Normally, I would have just dozed off to sleep. Still drowsy, for some reason, I recalled a moment where I read a Hustler article on a winner who won a date with Brooke Taylor and a well-written article by Maya Love. I remembered the words Bunny Ranch, so I clicked on the site after searching.

    They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. If that is true, then I would say that one word can tell volumes about a person's character as well. Before I discovered Anna, I discovered a treasure's trove of women in the Bunny Ranch, each girl from the treasure trove is beautiful, elegant, and rich with allure. I saw beautiful Venuses, and was curious about them. Discovering the writings of each Bunny, I read the words they wrote, the writings of which are tinged with humor, wit, and seduction. But one caught my rapt attention, her given name is Anna Suvari. She possessed a way with words, an excellent command of wit, and an acute grasp of meeting acquiantances. It is this in which she has refined a familiarity with others. I registered for the site, and I posted a response in one of her reviews.

    I fell asleep. She e-mailed me 12 minutes later. TWELVE MINUTES. Talk about fast.

    So ever slowly, I started communication with her. Slowly, I fulfilled my curiosity about her. The time came to choose. Should I go long distance to meet this lady? I became sure that she was the choice, and cemented the choice to go to the far-away Bunny Ranch when she did a very simple thing. She was interested enough in me to remember me and wrote me back after a long period in between correspondences. I was amazed that she followed up on me. I was flattered she chose an interest in me. So, in doing a good deed, I decided to make a good deed, I will see her.

    Eventually, the forums caught my eye. I saw several writings by different people, peppered with their unique brand of humor and wit. Surely I cannot compete with that. The members wrote in ways that became banter, and I humbly admitted to myself that my humor was probably droll and dull in comparison to the often-funny members. But I got to know the people in the board through their words, and they are personable as they are funny. The Bunnies posts caught my attention and admiration, and Anna, with her ever-expanding number of writings, cemented herself as a true wordsmith in humor and wit. This solidified that my choice of Anna was indeed not mistaken. After a quick process of setting up an appointment, for months, I was writing on the forums, and for months, I was awaiting my meet with Anna, and excited that I was going out of state and my complacent confines of NYC.

    So the wait to meet her was a period of months, later on weeks and then days. But in between, I researched the Bunny Ranch and little on Anna, and she adeptly navigated the waters of our conversation, and her easy-going manners made me at ease, if not already so. In between, the slow burn of anticipation to meet her was stirring, as she hinted at the riches to come when meeting her.

    I was hoping to earn the trust of Anna after months of writing on the forums, and going through the initial process of being a neophyte to the Ranch and to Anna, so I hoped that I did. And finally, August 8th came around. After yawning from an early start in the morning, I went to my flight at JFK. It is my first time on the plane. Amidst a mild fear of planes a day before, it was quickly countered by the friendliness of everyone on board, passengers and attendants alike. Plus, I'm there anyway, no reason for me to be afraid. It was a long trip, but my thoughts were focused on the graphic novel I brought over, and of course, my imagination which starred Anna, her friendliness through her e-mails put me at ease on the flight.

    I arrived at the Reno-Tahoe International airport at last. When the plane landed into Reno, the land was hot, but the scenery was beautiful, and peaceful. My first visit to Nevada, I made my way to the hotel, spent a bountiful amount of time journeying in the neighborhoods of Reno near my hotel for the next few days. Of course, never were my thoughts astray from the Bunny Ranch. They say that on average a man thinks of sex seven times in one hour. Unfortunately, I'm not exactly a normal guy, so usually my thinking was replaced by seven times an hour of thinking how best to donate my time in causes like the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, the HERO Initiative, Doctors Without Borders and City Harvest. I should have been nervous but I wasn't very nervous, as Anna's e-mails were easy-going and delightful. I think more than anything, I was confused on how to respond to her and other Bunny Babes, as I haven't had extensive contact with someone who desires me sexually, but only as a friend. I decided to just be myself and help Anna and Bunny Ranch staff out if possible.

    The day arrived. I got myself ready, and I went down to meet an excellent ride waiting for me. The driver was awesome, friendly and courteous, and when I finally went to the Bunny Ranch, a Venus was awaiting me.
    I rang the bell, wondered if I looked okay. And I saw Anna. Wow. Anna is the living expression of sensuality. She is paradise bottled up in one body. If there ever was such a thing as divine curves she would be it. To describe Anna in words is to limit what she actually is. She is an eternal muse, whose words provide thoughtful ideas, and whose wit encourages the imagination. She pays attention to you as a special individual, not as a "client". She takes the time to know you, as a person. A living heaven and enchanted nirvana, this Seattle Siren has patience, understanding and listening all in one. A perfect girlfriend. I love the sound of her laugh too. I was virgin before the Ranch, and Anna opened up new sensations and new questions I've never experienced before in my awakening. Shuddering at these new senses, I knew that I still had homework to do, and a way to go in order to achieve total mastery at making "the sleeper awakening".

    When I left the Ranch, I felt glad I learned so much, and best of all, with a patient, understanding woman, who has truly earned the "Courtesan of the Year" title twice in a row. I will definitely look forward to seeing Anna again, and with homework completed! A happy surprise also happened when I left. I took a ride back to the Peppermill with the Hof-man himself, Max and Hayden Brooks! And the same great driver! I had one of the most spectacular rides in a limo ever, with all having fun talking and chatting. Max impressed me with her humor, Hayden with her clever creativity, and Dennis himself for being so personable. I will definitely try to see and visit each of them again next year in 2010! Thanks to all, including Katie, the bartender and the lady who opened the doors to the Bunny Ranch for me, for a most spectacular summer moment!
  2. Excellent review, astrozen. I felt like I was there. Now that would be weird. :lol:
  3. :lol: Thanks!
  4. astrozen! You take my breath away. You're every bit the cutie that your picture suggests, and wonderful company to boot! Thank you for giving me the chance to introduce you to the world of sensual delights. I'm so looking forward to trying some new moves with you next time! Smooches!

    Anna [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  5. Looking forward to it! :wink: My fantasies and perception expanded after that day. Not in just sensuality (though that certainly expanded), but in also knowing good people like you and seeing society in a more positive light. :D
  6. Mission accomplished! :D [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  7. breastlvr
    Chat with Me

    breastlvr Well-Known Member

    Very well written review, astrozen!

    I, too, have been impressed with Anna's wit and intelligence, her uncanny ability to welcome you and make you feel like an old friend within a matter of a couple of weeks, and above all, her genuine interest and caring. This sets her apart from all others.
  8. Drop me a line, astro! Muah! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  9. Thank you, breastlvr! It means a lot. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  10. breastlvr
    Chat with Me

    breastlvr Well-Known Member

    Thank you for being you! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  11. Likewise! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  12. breastlvr
    Chat with Me

    breastlvr Well-Known Member

    Aw, you are too sweet! Is there no end to your sweetness? [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  13. I try to keep my tank full. ;) [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  14. breastlvr
    Chat with Me

    breastlvr Well-Known Member

    I truly believe you have a lot more in reserve. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  15. breastlvr
    Chat with Me

    breastlvr Well-Known Member

    The sound of Anna's laugh. Just one more thing I'd like to experience. :)
  16. Great review :mrgreen:
  17. Likewise! [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  18. breastlvr
    Chat with Me

    breastlvr Well-Known Member

    You sure you want to hear me laugh? I doubt it would be as pleasant as yours. [smilie=happy.gif]
  19. I wouldn't have known what to do with Suvari back when I was in school.... :( :oops: :wink:

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