Alice Little - Just wow!

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by StraitShooter, Dec 28, 2015.

  1. Canadian1987
    Chat with Me

    Canadian1987 Well-Known Member

    I seem to recall a video you posted right around the time you first came to the ranches, where you armed yourself with a whip.

    Innocent girls don't carry whips, you do. You are a lot of things, you are a person with a great positive attitiude, you have a great smile, based on the pictures you post, you truly seem to enjoy what you do.

    But innocent? no can't give you that not when you have whips
  2. hahahaha, alright- fair enough!
  3. DXanatos
    Chat with Me

    DXanatos Well-Known Member

    I'm on his side you're many great things Alice but innocent isn't a word I'd use for you and thats a good thing
  4. Jackson
    Chat with Me

    Jackson Active Member

    They're saying you're not innocent, now I want to sketch you looking innocent with a halo just to show them :p:D
  5. It couldn't hurt, it also sounds like a cute picture.
    Jackson likes this.
  6. Alice makes me saw wow and several other key words of amazement and joy lol
  7. Hah, thank you Shivis. Hope to hear from you soon!
  8. Jackson
    Chat with Me

    Jackson Active Member

    Yes but any picture with you would be a cute picture.
  9. [smilie=i love you1.gif] Too sweet Jackson, thank you.

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