Sindy's Birthday Party

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by foreverman, Jan 7, 2016.

  1. foreverman
    Chat with Me

    foreverman Well-Known Member

    I just wanted to give a big shout out to Freaky Geek for putting together such a great party for a great lady last Sat. night. I got to say hello to a lot of the other guys from the Ustream chat. FG, GLip, Simps, and Ksinger were all there. Sindy was surprised at the door being covered in sillystring. Plus, I finally got Roxanne alone in the VIP room. A great time was had by all! Looking forward to all the parties to come in 2016.
    roxanneprice likes this.
  2. What a way to start the new year out, eh? I thought it was pretty awesome of FG to put it together, and I saw glip, simps and some others help decorating which was heart warming to watch.

    It was so sweet seeing Sindy with her big doe eyes, you could tell how touching it was for her. Great stuff guys, this community always does such a great job working together. TEAM WORK MAKES THE DREAM WORK. :D
  3. Thanks for the shoutout, but it was not just me - as you mentioned, gLip, Simps, KS, as well as most, if not all, of the staff, Dennis & Suzette, and many of the other ladies had lots to do with the party. It takes a village to throw a party. I just love surprise parties is all....and I felt if anyone deserved one, it was Sindy for all she does for others without asking anything in return.
    ROADRUNNER J likes this.
  4. Kimberly Love
    Chat with Me

    Kimberly Love Well-Known Member

    Everyone did such a great job! Sindy's birthday party was awesome!
  5. I wish I could have been here for this! Watching the video and hearing her tell the story was awesome though. Great job everyone!! And you are right, Freaky, if anyone deserved it, Sindy did. She's a wonderful person and a great friend!
    Chat with Me

    ROADRUNNER J Well-Known Member

    I'm glad that you folks were able to do something great for Sindy. She deserves it. A Video was mentioned in the thread. Is it available somewhere? I bet many would love to see it.
  7. Here's the video:

    DarkSampson, kmoney and ROADRUNNER J like this.
    Chat with Me

    ROADRUNNER J Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Freaky! Looks like an outstanding job by all those involved (wish I could've been there). I don't know what was brighter... the snow or Sindy's smile. Looks like the party back at the ranch was a blast.
  9. sockguy
    Chat with Me

    sockguy Active Member

    It was an awesome time and glad Freaky put it all together. Also, a shout out to Roxanne for letting someone shoot an chocolate candy into her cleavage as we waited for the party to start.
    roxanneprice likes this.
  10. I didn't even know it was candy... :oops: Also I don't think I really had a choice. Lmao
    ROADRUNNER J likes this.
    Chat with Me

    ROADRUNNER J Well-Known Member

    Boy would I love to have been that candy. :p
    roxanneprice likes this.
  12. If that were the case, it would have been a much more pleasurable experience! Lol
    ROADRUNNER J likes this.
    DarkSampson and ROADRUNNER J like this.

  14. AWE THANK YOU CHRISTY! SO ARE YOU!!!![smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

  15. I WANT A REPLY OF CANDY ROXANNE BOOBY BASKETS! LOL [smilie=hot over you.gif]
    roxanneprice and ROADRUNNER J like this.
  16. Would of been great if you could of made it!

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