It’s been a long month #nodaysoff lol I’m very militant on myself but I’m glad I came and got to experience this and the ladies!!!
Hey guys!!! It’s Taco Tuesday!! What better way to spend then with some FaceTime with my taco lol…I’m here at SageBrush until 2am!!
Hey sexy people! I hope you’re having a great day! End your night with me at SageBrushRanch! It’s Karaoke night! I’ll be hoin roun until 2
Happy Monday guys!!! Come see me at the Ranch or email me and get to know me so we can plan for an out date!! So many possible adventures..
Happy SaturnDAY Lovies lol!! Come and catch a vibe with us ladies at the ranch…we are just hoing around…catching the occasional ray
Happy Friday freaks!! Come and spend some time with me on the ranch!! Release a load and clear your mind fog!
Thanks beautiful ..Yes I’m loving it! Adjusting to the new environment!! The ladies and staff are sweet
Hi gentlemen come and visit me at the Ranch after you make those tax deadlines or hit me in the inbox so we can start planning or outventure
Whats your fantasy? If you got me alone what would you do with me? Im finally free after 15 years and hormones are raging lol so many things
Make sure you come and checc me out for my SPECIAL of the month, which happens to be one of my favorite things lol
I love outdates, where we can really be comfortable and get to know each other! discreetly, no judgment. JUST US! :-)
Hi guys cum and visit me here at the Ranch this weekend!!! I HAVE NEW HOURS AND THEY ARE EXTENDED ON THE WEEKEND 10AM until MIDNIGHT***
Hey Babies!! Cum see me TAHDAY at the Ranch…I’ll be here until 6am…if you need an appointment at another time call the ranch.
Happy Friyay!! Come visit the newest Starlet at The Fun SageBrushRanch;ME …Come and be snowed in with me in the fantasy suite✨