What to expect .

Discussion in 'World Famous BunnyRanch Forum (Carson City)' started by AlexaHaze, Apr 15, 2021.

  1. I'll be using all precautions while meeting clients, along with std screens we'll obviously be making sure no flu like symptoms etc.
    I am vaccinated.
    With that being said i love kissing and cuddling, intimacy. And i wont be changing that unless we're required to.
    So lets lock lips.
    Protocols will be obviously mouthwash antiseptic, sanitizer etc.

    Expect a full on encounter with me.

    As all of us courtesans want to stay open and legal , going along with each girls preference in sanitary pre partying will help.
    Lets stay safe, open, legal , and cumming .
  2. kevinz0071
    Chat with Me

    kevinz0071 Well-Known Member

    Good to Know Alexa :) Looking forward to some GFE Parties this summer
    AlexaHaze likes this.
  3. Awesome hun. We'll go all out together ❤
    Marlin Groce Jr likes this.

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