What a week!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ImogenSteele, May 27, 2020.

  1. How’s everyone doing? Happy hump day [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  2. Old Nick
    Chat with Me

    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I’m tired. I could use a break.
    ImogenSteele likes this.
  3. Busy busy busy? I’ve also realised my spelling on this is horrific!
    JerryVestal, Old Nick and wrb55rosco like this.
  4. wrb55rosco
    Chat with Me

    wrb55rosco Well-Known Member

    [smilie=hi ya!.gif]And I thought ,I was the only one with this problem..
    ImogenSteele and tahoebigbear like this.
  5. AlexaWu
    Chat with Me

    AlexaWu Well-Known Member

    give me a break, give me a break, break me off a piece of that kit kat bar. [smilie=happy.gif]
  6. Tired and I have been doing nothing but inspecting food, testing, verifying and signing off so it can be trucked across America. Haven't had a day off since May 16th.
    I'm one of the few inspectors who doesn't have COVID-19 for the facilities that I'm designated yo inspect.
    I wear a mask everywhere except when I'm at home, and when an inspector gets quarantined they divide up their responsibilities among those of us who aren't quarantined.

    I'm doubtful that things will improve anytime soon.
    You're all fooling yourselves if you think you can start running around without masks or ignoring proper social distancing protocols. The front line sucks for the medical community and it sucks for those of us who make sure the food you consume is safe.
    shyguy71 and AlexaWu like this.

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