Welcome back! An update

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by grizzly, Aug 25, 2021.

  1. grizzly
    Chat with Me

    grizzly Well-Known Member

    I know I am late to the party but wanted to say welcome back to @MadameSuzette, all the ladies and staff at the ranches.

    Hope to see you all again in the near future!

    A lot of us were personally affected by the Covid, I was on to many honor guard details for those correctional officers who lost their lives due to Covid.

    I also have been helping mom recover from total knee replacement surgery, Guillain-Barre Syndrome brought on from early onset of covid/post surgery virus and a total shoulder reversal surgery.

    I spent the summer of 2020 working in a Covid hot zone, where over 800+ staff & inmates were sick or dying from the Covid.

    I than took a leap of faith, in March of this year as I was not happy at the prison I worked at and moved to West Texas to work in their prison. I now own a house in West Texas and mom retired to Texas.

    In the weeks and months since the grueling and punishing academy pushing my body to places it had never gone, I became a Sergeant of Correctional officers at my new prison & made administrative sgt in charge of Covid compliance.

    I have since moved up to Captain in charge of the prison kitchen but the position was restructured and I was made Sgt of Food Service with administrative duties.

    In my free time I am a seasoned paranormal investigator, videographer and photographer.

    I have plans once I am eligible for time off to come to Carson City and investigate the Nevada State Prison down the road from the ranches.

    I hope to meet the ladies and get reacquainted with those that came back after the year long shut down.

    Until than I wish you much success & may your future endeavors be successful and overflowing.

    Much love
    Jeremy aka Grizzly

    Attached Files:

  2. Thank you hun for the kind post. It was definately a trying year for so many. Very awesome you help so many during it all.
    Hope to see you sometime in the near future hun ❤
    grizzly likes this.
  3. ColinSTL
    Chat with Me

    ColinSTL Well-Known Member

    Welcome back Grizz! Great to see you again, and glad to see your mom is still hanging in there! Also sorry to hear about what you're all going through -- keep hanging in there! Brent and I have been through many changes ourselves, but we're both OK and doing good.

    Keep on keeping on and again, great to see you!
    tahoebigbear and grizzly like this.
  4. BigAlbowski
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    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Hey @grizzly !! Good to see you! Hoping your mom is doing well!!
    [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
    grizzly likes this.
  5. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Welcome back, Grizz! Great to see you!
    grizzly likes this.
  6. tahoebigbear
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    tahoebigbear Well-Known Member

    great to hear from you Grizzly and about your journey from Kansas to Texas. you are a success story for sure and glad you're doing well. see in Nevada...T
    grizzly likes this.
  7. Hey @grizzly!!! So good to see you back!! Congratulations on all your success and your tenacity in the face of life's opportunities!

    We are doing well and cam't wait to see you!
    grizzly likes this.
  8. RebeccaBrite
    Chat with Me

    RebeccaBrite Well-Known Member

    Hi Grizzly! I also worked during the Pandemic, I am a Nurse of 16 years. I am taking a LONG break from Nursing so that I can earn my Master's Degree. I am 1 year in now.
    It would be fun to meet you and share stories and camaraderie.
    grizzly likes this.

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