
Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Arthur Dent, Aug 5, 2022.

  1. Arthur Dent
    Chat with Me

    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    I heard there was heavy rain with flooding in the Reno area. Anybody get any serious damage? Is the Truckee still in it's banks?

  2. i didn't hear about the Renoi area. but las Vegas does flood every Summer. We are all ok here. Thanks for asking!!!
    Arthur Dent likes this.
  3. Arthur Dent
    Chat with Me

    Arthur Dent Well-Known Member

    You are welcome, Amy.
    I guess I was misinformed about the flooding.
  4. I'm not sure about Reno, but I know Las Vegas had Torrential Rain Storms and flooded again yesterday too.

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