Virgin looking for a change and to have a connection

Discussion in 'Sagebrush Ranch Carson City Forum' started by UODucks, Apr 26, 2021.

  1. Made a post a while ago, but figured I would make a new one and reintroduce myself.

    When I made my previous post, I wasn't able to visit. My name is Phil, I'm 31, and a virgin.

    I've put work, family, and friends before myself. I work in sales so I'm spending all day on the phone, emailing, sending videos, and trying to set meetings, and close deals.

    In doing so I've moved a lot, and as I've gotten older I've realized I don't want to lose my virginity to some random girl at a bar or on a dating app.

    Outside of work pre-Covid, I loved to travel, go to sporting events in particular Baseball games, find new local restaurants, etc.

    I'm a big believer in connections and relationships so I would rather have a connection with a woman or two from here instead of a lineup.

    It would help me feel more comfortable for my first time and help me with losing my virginity.
    AlexaHaze likes this.
  2. Mesaged you hun. Would love to be your first. ❤
  3. RebeccaBrite
    Chat with Me

    RebeccaBrite Well-Known Member

    Hello UODucks, I am Rebecca :) When I am not at the Ranch you can find me jumping out of airplanes, I fly a wing suit/ I am a sport skydiver, or playing chess or my Viola.

    I am a very passionate, compassionate lover, and I enjoy sharing new experiences. I would love to chat more and see where conversation takes us.

    I will send you a message.
    UODucks likes this.
  4. Love the ice breaker it caught my eye. Looking forward to getting to know you.
    RebeccaBrite likes this.

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