Things I regret

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Old Nick, Apr 29, 2019.

  1. Old Nick
    Chat with Me

    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    I regret the following:

    Not training for pro wrestling.

    Not starting a metal band.

    Not continuing my comic book project.

    Not finishing school at the Art Institute. (Though that school was more or less a joke.)
  2. You could still start a band or get your comic going! Or come up with some entirely new projects! :)
    Old Nick likes this.
  3. Old Nick
    Chat with Me

    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    8532F40E-0179-43A8-A6BA-926FBEE32F27.jpeg B9001369-7C80-41FC-8985-6A6AD9148D47.jpeg 669FDBDD-C239-4BA7-A42E-85AAFE9B8614.jpeg 5643137B-5F4A-4389-BDF1-AA6E16BC25E9.jpeg FB9E03F5-5A84-4361-A9A1-DC46091030FA.jpeg 531007AA-6C28-4F55-B261-198A2F053A35.jpeg 6239504B-98D1-4843-8679-96B1E1959189.jpeg
    I did create this project. I made this game on the 3DS version of RPG Maker. It’s called Blood Manor.

    In this game, you lead a group of paranormal investigators through a mansion and compound of a polygamist family. Most of the spirits are friendly but some are hostile, and the game has you living and dying by the choices you make. It was inspired by another game I have played called Corpse Party, which was heavy on the story and was one of those games that would disturb you even if you played during the day.

    The game got great reviews when I posted it on the RPG Maker Player. I think it still stands at 4 1/2 stars. I did overlook a few bugs, and I was also looking to rework some things and expand the house a bit. There are three endings that you can find and they all hinge on how many “cursed notes” you collect. The best ending is achieved if you don’t get any of them. The worst comes when you collect them all.

    I’ve left the door wide open for a sequel, as there’s a mystery that hadn’t been resolved during this game that could be a part of the next. Just trying to figure out how the sequel would play out, but even the best ending hints that a spirit had followed the main character home.

    So that’s one project I made that I’m proud of. Sadly, you’d need a 3DS or 2DS to play it.
    Last edited: May 1, 2019
    kevinz0071 and JerryVestal like this.
  4. JerryVestal
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    JerryVestal Well-Known Member

    The game looks very good Nick! Excellent job!
    Old Nick likes this.
  5. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Thanks. I took the stock assets that the game provided and worked them to my advantage. I just wish there were more things to use.
  6. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    While I’m on the subject...

    Corpse Party is the game series that inspired my own RPG Maker Fes project, Blood Manor.

    Interesting fact: Corpse Party started out as a game made on the earliest versions of RPG Maker in Japan. The game that made its way stateside on the PSP and 3DS is actually a remake subtitled Blood Covered: Repeated Fear. The American version drops the subtitle.

    I have only played two of the games, the first and Book Of Shadows. I haven’t played Blood Drive, and both Hysteric Birthday 2U and Dead Patient are still stuck in Japan. No word if XSeed/Marvelous will bring those this way.

    If you’re not familiar, I’ll tell you about it. The characters you play are high schoolers stuck in an elementary school long closed torn down due to a horrible tragedy. The high school now stands where the elementary school was. Without giving away spoilers, the game will play with your head.

    I’m not sure if anymore Corpse Party games will come out, but Blood Drive wraps the Heavenly Host saga.

  7. You should regret nothing and see them as decisions that have led you to being here. Remember you can always have little projects going so you haven't lost out.
    Stay positive
  8. KikiLover
    Chat with Me

    KikiLover ♛ Middle Eastern Princess ♛

    This is such an interesting thread,
    thanks for posting [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

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