Thanks Dennis!!

Discussion in 'Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette' started by DSnowman, Oct 1, 2009.

  1. I wanted to say thanks to you for chatting with me during my visit!

    I would love to have that environment all the time. You are a cheerful guy. (wonder why? all the amazing women?)

    As well thanks for what you do and how you run the Ranches... there really is no other place in the world like it. It's just such a happy and welcoming environment. The BEST ladies and the greatest boss= win win!

    I look forward to more visits and hopefully a chance to actually capitalize on an invite to one of your prestigious parties, wish I coulda made it for tomorrow.

    You do a great job and provide a great place for us regular joes to come enjoy world class ladies who are just as friendly and kind as they are beautiful.


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