About Me Birthday November 1st

Discussion in 'Kit Kat Ranch Forum (Carson City)' started by NinaBux, Oct 8, 2019.

  1. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    Who is going to prebook an amazing Outdate and Overnight for my Birthday November 1st!! DE692524-4509-4883-A594-59AC8F5594C0.jpeg
    I want to be treated like a princess all day and I will treat you like the king you are all night!!

    Message me here or at my email [email protected]

    Love your kitty,
    Nina Bux AKA Star Bux
  2. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    A birthday outdate would be an excellent idea. Preferably if it can go along the lines of your ideal outdate you mentioned earlier.

    Barring that, I would suggest that someone takes you out for the dinner cruise on that paddle wheeler on Tahoe (if the conditions aren't bad), see the sunset there on deck and then upon docking, rent a cabin nearby to proper celebrate.
    NinaBux likes this.
  3. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    Yes that sounds amazing what a wonderful idea!
  4. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    I hear good things about that evening cruise. Someone just had an outdate about a month or so ago with Abby Avery from Sagebrush, and they both told me the ride was smooth. I also hear the food is good on the cruise.

    Needless to say, it's something I want to do as an outdate now.
    NinaBux likes this.
  5. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    You can definitely take me sometime we would have a blast!!!
  6. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    Well, on my last trip I broke Imogen Steele's outdate cherry so I think that qualifies me to break your cruise cherry....;)
    NinaBux likes this.
  7. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    By that time I still may be a virgin when it comes to outdates And overnights lol
  8. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    I find that hard to believe!

    I know sometimes there are long periods between outdates but surely there must've been overnighters at the ranch.
  9. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    No not yet honestly I’m sad but it will come maybe for my birthday I hope!!!!
  10. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    I find that distressing! A lovely lady like you should not be sad and be taken out to enjoy life!

    I hope that someone comes to make your birthday wish come true.
    NinaBux likes this.
  11. I hope someone treats you like a princess on your birthday. I haven't even met you yet and I already think you are a sweetheart. [smilie=be mine!.gif]
    NinaBux likes this.
  12. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    Thank you so much I’m such a sweetheart to everyone
    lets_party likes this.
  13. Panathropist
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    Panathropist Well-Known Member

    Hi Glen - it was me who had the delightful time on the dinner boar cruise with @AbbyAvery - it was great including the meal, the cruise, the music and of course the company.
    AbbyAvery and NinaBux like this.
  14. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    Thanks @Turkey5372! I had a brain fart when I was writing that, couldn't remember who was Abby's date. But I do remember you and Abby had a great time and told me the ride was smooth. I believe Nina would enjoy it as well. I need to put that on my list for an outdate on my next trip up there.
    NinaBux likes this.
  15. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    So it was a smooth ride on the boat?
  16. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    Yes that sounds amazing I would be like a kid in a candy store lol
  17. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    Note to self: if Nina comes to Hawaii, point her towards boat tours. Well, there are dinner cruises, as well as cruises for swimming, diving, snorkeling, etc. Right about now, the humpback whales will start coming in, so there's whale watching tours as well. There's even a submarine cruise!
    NinaBux likes this.
  18. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    Can you answer Nina's question, @Turkey5372?
  19. [smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif][smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    NinaBux likes this.
  20. Panathropist
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    Panathropist Well-Known Member

    Hi - yes very smooth even when a bit of a breeze came up towards the end. I highly recommend an outdate. (I would also recommend the limo as the way to get there and back of course making use of the privacy screen)
    AbbyAvery and NinaBux like this.
  21. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    I so want to do this now I am super excited to go on this adventure!
  22. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    Still waiting for my lover to book my Birthday!!!!
    Sharky likes this.
  23. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    Lake Tahoe cruises, to include paddlewheeler: https://www.zephyrcove.com/cruises/cruise-experience/

    I checked the schedule and the evening dinner cruises will last from now until Sunday, then the last two Saturdays of October. It doesn't resume again until 11/9 (Saturday) and it's on for every Saturday in November after that. On your birthday, it's only the day time scenic cruise (12-2 pm).

    So guys, I've given you a heads up! Take this wonderful lady out on the lake, and then retire to a cabin for some post scenic solace.
    NinaBux likes this.
  24. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    What solid info you are amazing for finding this out! Now fellas who is going to use this info and book our amazing party together!!!!!
  25. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    If I was there, or going to be there in the near future, I would gladly take you on that cruise :). But alas, it is not meant to be :(, but it does mean someone else needs to take my place and step up to the challenge. I've given them the information and you've laid out the parameters of your ideal outdate, so all you need is a worthy suitor to whisk you away from the ranch for your birthday ball. [smilie=be mine!.gif]
    NinaBux likes this.
  26. hikino
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    hikino Well-Known Member

    You looked great on livestream tonight!
    NinaBux likes this.
  27. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    Thank you hun [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  28. wrb55rosco
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    wrb55rosco Well-Known Member

    Saw you on Livestream . A couple of times. You can be a silly one.....
    NinaBux likes this.
  29. NinaBux
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    NinaBux Nina Bux (aka) StarBux

    That’s the only way to be in life have fun be silly and love every minute of it [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
    wrb55rosco and lover5 like this.
  30. lover5
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    lover5 Well-Known Member

    Humor is a must in life. Sometimes you just have to laugh.
    NinaBux likes this.

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