Comments on Profile Post by BTFSTL

  1. LeahJaymes
    When life gets me down, I remind myself that despite what I may be going thru, I have survived worse. I hope that everything works out for you. Thank you for the follow, for what it's worth, the follow made my night. :)
    Aug 6, 2017
    BTFSTL likes this.
    Thank you Leah. I don't want to get into details at the moment, but I've had some plans that aren't looking very good at the moment. It really frustrates me; it seems, to me, that I can hardly every catch a break when I need one.
    Aug 6, 2017
    AishaShah likes this.
  3. LeahJaymes
    I have definitely been there, I do hope that your luck turns around love. Try to remain positive.
    Aug 6, 2017
    Haley Lisbeth and BTFSTL like this.
    I'm trying, but it ain't easy sometimes. Thanks!! =)
    Aug 6, 2017
    AishaShah and LeahJaymes like this.