Ava completely blew my mind

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by ShutterBug, Feb 20, 2014.

  1. Ava is an amazing new addition to the Love Ranch, and I doubt I'll be able to do her justice here. Apparently not many guys from the message board have partied with her yet, because that's the only way I can explain the fact that she doesn't already have a page full of glowing reviews.

    The first good sign was the way she completely threw off my normal game plan. Usually I like to talk to several girls before I can decide who I want to party with. There's just so many great choices, I like to make sure I've explored all my options. But this was one of those rare times when just with her introduction in the line up, I was pretty sure I'd be partying with Ava. With her great big beautiful smile, and practically glowing with positive energy, she drew me right in.

    Fortunately negotiations were easy and we were quickly on the same page with the party plans. And soon after, I was getting more than my money's worth. Ava has an amazing little all natural body and quickly goes from cute and sweet to sexy as hell. And she seems to really enjoy her "work".

    After the party, her next set of skills emerged when I stopped at the bar for my usual 5 - 10 minute recuperation period before I headed out. She joined me at the bar and we started chatting, and when I checked my watch "10 minutes" later, I was shocked to see that we had been talking for an hour. So in addition to being incredibly sexy, Ava is a very interesting, intelligent young lady with whom you can get lost in a completely engaging conversation. If I was ever in a position where I could afford an extended out-date, Ava would be at the top of my list.

    So I'm really hoping that Ava sticks around for a while, because I'm looking forward to many more great times with her.
  2. Great review of sexy new addition to our house, ShutterBug! I couldn't agree more, she is a lot fun! xoxoxox
  3. Well, I couldn't resist your invitation. It was fun making more magic with round two last night. Hopefully we made enough memories to get me by until my next visit. You've probably even worked your way into my dreams. But not in a creepy way. They'll be totally classy dreams - I promise. :D
  4. Great review.

    [smilie=hi ya!.gif] [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
  5. Yes, I saw that you've moved. But now that you're all famous, do you still have time for us common folk? :)

    I guess I'll find out soon enough - I'm planning a trip for early-mid June. Hopefully you'll be in town, because you're definitely on my must-do-again list!!!!
  6. JadeCapri
    Chat with Me

    JadeCapri Genuine•Embracing•Assisting conquer inadequacies

    That was a great review, ShutterBug! Ava is definitely a great addition to the house, I'm so happy to hear you found that out.
  7. willowlove
    Chat with Me

    willowlove Well-Known Member

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