1. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    Mine is to be a farmer. I used to own a farm with horses, llamas, cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys and barn cats a quarter mile down the road from my log cabin. Definitely want to get back to that lifestyle.
    NicoBradley, BeaverFan and SailorB like this.
  2. SailorB
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    SailorB Well-Known Member

    Sounds like an amazing job for me it would be having my own security company that helps setup home security cameras for people.
  3. Canadian1987
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    Canadian1987 Well-Known Member

    I think you already have the dream job, think about it you get paid to fuck what's better than that?
  4. BeaverFan
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    BeaverFan Well-Known Member

    For jobs that are realistic I think I’m doing it now working in high school athletics. Otherwise, I would love to coach basketball at the college level. I’ll keep the other one to myself for now.
  5. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    SailorB I love how you always want to help people stay safe
    SailorB likes this.
  6. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    Canadian1987 you're right, can't get any better than putting a smile on people's faces in a safe environment
  7. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    BeaverFan that's phenomenal that you enjoy coaching, building young people's self-esteem. Means that you must also have a great body
    BeaverFan likes this.
  8. How cute to have a farm!! Sounds both eventful and relaxing! My dream job would be a Queen. Managing the people, having all I desire, being beautiful & fucking a king!!
  9. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    Nico you already are a beautiful Queen. I wouldn't mind curtsying to you once you get your own nation
  10. Lunch Buffett
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    Lunch Buffett Well-Known Member

    I've already got my dream job. I've joined an elite file transfer team called the Screaming Weasels. Perhaps you've heard of us?
  11. BeaverFan
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    BeaverFan Well-Known Member

    Don’t I wish! But I am working on it and it’s a work in progress. Not exactly where I want it to be but I’m not embarrassed to have my shirt off, so that’s something.
  12. KylieMoon
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    KylieMoon Your exotic cuban girl fantasy

    This sounds so cute I love that
  13. SailorB
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    SailorB Well-Known Member

    Aww thank you and yes that is what I want to do and right now I work as a dispatcher to keep that dream going.
  14. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    Today is one of those days where I think to myself that’s I should have been a pro wrestler. I had a decent build, the reflexes of a cat (still do), and I’m pretty creative and a natural born entertainer. I called one of the local promotions back in 2006 and talked to two people there. I had my character figured out, I was debating entrance themes, just never pulled that trigger. I regret at least not giving it a try.
  15. My dream job was to work in a hospital in a non-medical capacity. This was inspired by The Janitor from Scrubs. I got to live this dream for 7 months in late 2013 / early 2014 when I worked as on site computer tech support at a hospital. I got to fix computers at nurses' stations and fix TVs in patient rooms. It was a lot of fun although the wages were kinda crappy.

    It was supposed to be a temporary job. Eventually the second shift guy changed to a different department and I took over for him. When his position opened up for permanent hire, I applied but they didn't even interview me. I did, however, get the ignoble job of helping to train the guy who did get the job.

    Nowadays, I am working as a computer programmer. I actually love the field of work although the specific job has a lot of flaws in it. That was my aspiration since my early 20s (around late 1999) and the reason I went back to school in 2012 to get my Bachelor's degree. I don't know if I'd call it a dream job.
  16. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    Lunch Buffet I haven't heard of them. You always keep me guessing
  17. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    BeaverFan I'd love to see you with your shirt off. So sexy on men. Guess on women too
  18. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    SailorB awesome that you love your job. I also love my job when I get to interact with people like you
    SailorB likes this.
  19. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    Old Nick why not still pursue it? It's only the things people don't do, that they end of regretting. Reflexes like a cat - does that apply to the bedroom also?
    Old Nick likes this.
  20. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    RayAdverb it's wonderful that you actually achieved something you aspired to since you were in your 20s, most people don't even get that far.
  21. SailorB
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    SailorB Well-Known Member

    Yes love it and glad you love your job too. Aww thank you for the sweet words hope your day is going well.
  22. Old Nick
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    Old Nick Well-Known Member

    At 46, it’s not feasible for me to train for wrestling. I should have done it a long time ago. Some of the greats like Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan still step in the ring from time to time, but they’ve been at it for a long time. My childhood dream was game design, and I have dabbled in that.

    I think my reflexes in the bedroom are pretty decent. ;)
  23. The hospital job was a short time but it really nice time. A lot of fun and my boss was a really funny and cool guy. And actually, I got the job very suddenly as a matter of pure luck. I got a call from a staffing agency on Halloween 2013 and I started working there the very next day.

    For a while, I was bitter that I did not get the permanent job, but in the long run, it’s for the best. The wages were pretty low. I did not mind at the time because I had very few expenses and I really love the work, but I could not survive on that nowadays.

    my current career path I achieved through some hard work but also a big stroke of luck. In 2011 I was working some terrible desktop support job that I hated and it was a contract job that came to an end. At first, I went looking for more work in that field, but after six months, I realized this was no way to live life. I could not spend so much time being unemployed and being miserable when I was employed. I had originally attained an associates degree when I was 20 years old. In 2012 I decided to return to school and finish my bachelors degree. Luckily, I had quite a bit of money saved up from the terrible desktop support job. And I was living with my parents, so my expenses were low.

    After I graduated, I spent five months in a post-graduate training program in northern Virginia. That did not lead directly to a job, but after that I went applying to entry level jobs all over the country. Eventually, I got a job with the US Marine Corps at an office in Indianapolis. I was there for 2 1/2 years and I moved to my current position in Illinois
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2024
  24. Id love to be a roadie for an all female KPop band! LOL!
  25. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    RayAdverb I agree that things do work out for the best in the end even though it may not appear to at the time
  26. AudreyAllen
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    AudreyAllen Well-Known Member

    pigtacoman I would also love to be a roadie for an all female KPop band....I'm totally obsessed with Black Pink

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