If you dig a hole straight through the earth and fell through it, the time it would take for you to reach the other side is 42 minutes. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Rattlesnakes are born with all the venom they will ever produce... it's dilluted more and more after each bite. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Deion Sanders is the only man to play in the World Series and the Super Bowl. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
An adult giraffe's kick is so powerful that it can decapitate a lion. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
In the movie "Artificial Intelligence," Haley Joel Osment, never blinks. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Lucille Ball appeared on the cover of TV Guide 39 times, more than any other person. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottles represents the number of varieties of pickles the company once had. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Every square yard of the sun's surface sends out energy equal to the power of 700 automobiles. About one two-billionth of this energy actually reaches us. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
It is illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a San Francisco street corner. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Here is something to ponder: if murder is illegal, does that mean that crows are denied peaceable assembly?
The average adult spends more time on the toilet than they do exercising. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Cats can’t taste sweet things because of a genetic defect. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
The Apple Macintosh had the signatures Of its design team engraved inside its case. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Scorpions can hold their breath underwater for up to 6 days. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
Only 8 percent of the world’s money exists in physical form, the rest is in computers. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder
The length of an elephant is the same as the tongue of a blue whale. -Pure heart with a dirty mind, Randy Ryder