The Death of the Sun - PBS Space Time If you ever wanted to know what will most likely happen to our sun and the distant future, check out this video.
This is something we don't see every day..........................................................
Could Netflix Fix Science? This is for all the ladies who are/were in academia(@RubyRae comes to mind but I'm sure there are more of you out there). How do you fix the way science is funded? Does Netflix have the solution?
That was the whole reason for creating this thread, To give you girls a bit of entertainment, and have a bit of a chance of finding things in common. XOXO
It's Okay to be Smart - Decoding the Great Monarch Butterfly Migration I usually see a few Monarch butterflies per year where I used to live. Now that I live in the city, I don't see them. These are pretty amazing little bugs.
Is there anything more beautifully feminine than belly dancing? ALEX DELORA / DRUM SOLO in BELGIUM... 5 minutes
At the end of a particularly rough day, went to listen to music to feel something, anything, besides despair. Out of the blue, this was first on my YouTube feed. Sometimes the universe sends a very clear message.
(Kurzgesagt) In a Nut Shell - The Side Effects of Vaccines An interesting video on how vaccines work.