~~**Sweet Tooth*What's Your Favorite Dessert?**~~

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stacytyler, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. Chocolate chip cookies

    Kisses Courtney Cross [smilie=call me.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  2. With a tall glass of milk :p

  3. Sorbet or Sherbert, more on the Sorbet side of things since it's made with real fruit and juices then frozen. :mrgreen:
  4. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

  5. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    Were you reading my mind? I was just talking about wanting some today! :D
  6. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    I tried some frozen honey and carmel greek yougert today and it was delicious! :D
  7. purduefan
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    purduefan Well-Known Member

    I can't seem to think of anything as "sweet" as you, Stacy Tyler!! :D :wink: [smilie=hot over you.gif] [smilie=hot over you.gif] [smilie=hot over you.gif]
  8. Italian Ice
  9. Really craving some warm gooey chocolate chip cookies :)
  10. Hellz Yeah!!! YUMMY
  11. So yummy :p

  12. LOL, who needs a dinner date, we should just have a dessert date :twisted:
  13. Peppermint Hot Chocolate
  14. Christmas is always a good time for "Ginger Bread Cookies with Lemon Curd inside"

  15. That's a fun date idea [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  16. Don't care what anyone thinks
    Jamba Juice is great dessert :mrgreen:
  17. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    One of my winter faves! :wink:
  18. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    Yum! :D
  19. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    I had a real fruit smoothie with strawberries, raspberries and banana! Yum!!! :D
  20. Fresh fruit drizzled with a good liquer.
    Always hits the spot. :mrgreen:
  21. Vanilla ice cream on a big chocolate cookie :p
  22. Had some ice cream cake from Cold Stone this weekend. That was pretty tasty.
  23. Yummy
  24. I love Banana splits..
  25. I think I'd like to try this cookie thing of yours. :twisted:
  26. We can share one :wink:

  27. Twizzlers :mrgreen:
  28. Love them!!

  29. Craving some new years kisses!
  30. Where? And don't say at the Bunny Ranch. :wink:
  31. Cheese cake
  32. Chocolate Covered Vicodin works good about now!!!
  33. Chocolate covered strawberries for a certain Bunny :mrgreen: :wink:
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif] [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  34. Yummmmy

  35. Jamba Juice smoothies for a dessert on the go :mrgreen: 8)

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