Pregnant future bunny wants work! but the goverment sucks!

Discussion in 'Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette' started by Anonymous, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. I am so annoyed with the US work visa people, tons of canadian girls like me want to come and work at the bunny ranch and it either takes years or is just impossible for us! Ill be lucky if i get a visa before this baby pops right out of me. Any other people had this problem? How did you guys go about getting a work visa? and how long did it take you?
  2. I could be wrong but I think you must be an American citizen to work as a legal prostitute. I think they do that because they don't want people coming to the country just to do this.

    I'm editing this to take that back... Maybe its not that you have to be a citizen but that you can't apply for citizenship once you've registered as a working girl.
    Anybody know?
  3. yeah they dont like giving out visa's to go do that kind of work. its annoying as hell, plus bunnies are more in demand than anything else! ;D

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