Unemployment vs working

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sakaki, Apr 28, 2020.

  1. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    There is a huge issue right now. Unemployment is paying more than what the average American earns. It's creating an issue of employees not coming back to there job after being called back. I do realize that not coming back your company could have your benefits cut out. But it's still not stopping a lot of people. What's your thoughts? Personally I think people who are working should get the extra 600 dollars too. That way people who are working will earn even more than not working and those who are laid off will be in a even better situation than they are now once called back to work.
  2. StevenL
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    StevenL Well-Known Member

    That makes sense, but unfortunately unemployment is probably a very sore subject with the ladies, since for some shithead reason, they are unable to collect unemployment. Personally, I hope that any politician who visits the ranches in the future be charged the asshole tax.
  3. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    Two things:
    1. I think the unemployment benefits run out over time. So even if people are making more via benefits and want to not go back to work, I think eventually they won't have a choice.
    2. The federal government is deeply, deeply in debt. The 600 dollars for the people who're working literally doesn't exist. What I would rather see is Trump or Pence speak to Americans and say that they appreciate their continuing to work so that their neighbors can get the money they need while out of work.
  4. AlexaWu
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    AlexaWu Well-Known Member

    The people who are choosing to collect unemployment in lieu of working are hurting themselves and their employers over long term.

    Employers are required to show their employees are still working. Employees are making more with unemployment than they were being paid minimum wage. Short term they have no incentive to go back to work. Long-term the employer they were working for won't qualify for government assistance which will lead to them likely closing their business permanently. When unemployment is cut off, what will the people who chose to collect vs go back to work do?

    A friend is unable to qualify for government assistance since his employees are choosing to collect unemployment and he'll have to close shop soon. Of course this can vary depending on the state.

    - Short term unemployment benefit looks nice - $ and not working for it.
    - Long term the employees hurt their employers who then need to shutdown, leads to employees looking for work when $ runs out. With fewer businesses open, people will be fighting for jobs.
    aztecwarrior2881 likes this.
  5. lover5
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    lover5 Well-Known Member

    I think it's horrible and unfortunate what is happening. I think will be positive for those go getters who had a low paying job or struggled to get a decent job they will be able to take the jobs that the lazy folks don't go back to right away
  6. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    Couldn't u say the money doesn't exist for people not working either? We are over 20 trillion dollars in debt even before this started. I understand both sides you have lower income individuals who are better off unemployed I can understand why they wouldn't want to come back right now. I can understand why a business owner wants to get their employees back so the company can make money again. The employee benefits more financially unemployed the employer benefits if the employee comes back. Depending on weather someone is an employee or an employer they might fill two different ways about this. In every situation someone benefits more than someone else.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2020
  7. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    I'm not advocating not going back to work but people working should get the extra 600 dollars in pay too. This will and I'm sure is creating hostility between employers and employees. I also do agree the government should give independent contractors like the ladies unemployment as well. We all have bills to pay.
  8. Jim DiGriz
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    Jim DiGriz Well-Known Member

    I think this is a valid argument. That is, the government doesn't have any money to give to anyone, regardless of whether they've lost their job because of the shutdown. The only reason I'm OK with the payments is that their job loss is due to the government shutdown, so it seems fair that the government fills in the gaps.

    What I wished had happened is that the government figured out how much they needed to give out and created a fund that taxpayers who're still employed could donate to. Then one of two things would've happened:

    1. People would've kicked in what they could to help their countrymen. It could've been a real-life example of patriotism and how the citizenry can solve their own problems.
    2. People would've told the government to take a flying leap by not donating a dime. The have-nots would've resented the people with jobs and everyone would grow more cynical.

    (I'm hoping for 1)
  9. Sakaki
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    Sakaki Well-Known Member

    Maybe this will drive more people into entreprenuership. Personally I'm happier than I've been in a long time. I realize that I hate working for someone else and rather do my own thing. There will always be inequality but everyone has the power to choose what they want to do with their life. I hope this causes a lot of people to chase their passions and not just work a job they hate for a paycheck.
    AlexaWu likes this.

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