Cerio SchoolGirl or Lil Rose

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by Anonymous, Apr 7, 2009.

  1. ------------------------------ Lil-Rose, Friday March 13th

    Cerioschoolgirl worked for about a month to become a Bunny!
    Rich at The Love Ranch offered her the big chance during St. Pogus Days!
    We set up an Appointment for our party to happen as soon as She got cleared.
    I got the phone call, and 45 minutes later, she became Official!

    Chole, sat in for her first negotiation, and things went well for me.
    I explained that a GFE party was the most important for me!

    My theory has always been: If She’s having Fun, I’ll have Fun! ------- :D It worked!! :lol:

    Lil wanted to be a Bunny, but she’s a Cowgirl all the way! And she was fantastic at it.
    We tried all positions and ended with what she likes Best~ LRIGWOC <---Read in Reverse ]
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Charlie [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
    -----Another LRIGWOC Party will be repeated, when she returns again on her summer break, late July.
  2. Charlie was a wonderful first party for me! He was such a gentleman and I had a great time! Hopefully, I'll see you again in July and we can continue the fun that we had on St. Pogus weekend!
    [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]
  3. Hi Charlie,
    I like your theory, and believe it to be 100% true. If they are having fun, you are too. And, I suppose I can see where Cerio SchoolGirl might wish to be a Bunny, but "she lucked out" and is a COWGIRL instead. I've been with both, and I must say, that even after having spent time on both sides of the highway, the BEST I've been with do seem to be COWGIRLS. There are two of them that I SIMPLY ADORE, and THEY know who THEY are, I'm sure!!! I'll give you a clue. One is a lovely blonde that I consider the Queen Of Seduction. The other is a lovely girl that defies description. She is a white skinned brunette with the most precious smile and nice legs, beautiful breasts, and she is such a cutie. That's all I can say. They know who they are. Nice to see another COWGIRL initiated!!

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