Slippery when wet: Anna Mills and Laci Ann

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by Dokkalfar, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. As a few of you may know, I am finishing my graudate studies at the end of May. I decided after Pogus asked if I would be going, that it would be one hell of a time to spend as a graduation gift to myself, especially since I'll have to reenter the workforce this summer and then spend at least a year working before I could back to the MBR after graduation.

    Anyway, in homage to this weekend's St.Pogus' Weekend celebration, and the surprise visit by His Holiness taking confessions, I thought because this was the modern age that the Pope would accept electronically submitted confesions...

    Father, I have sinned and I have confessions to make.

    I was passing through NV, and I saw an all girls school called the Moonlite Bunny Ranch. Now I know I should have more self-control, but I had already made my appointment for tutoring with one those innocent and pure of heart school girls. Her name was Anna Mills.

    After meeting and talking with her, she realized my soul was possessed by many demons of horniness and in need of an exorcism. Being an angel in disguise as a schoolgirl, she recognized the seriousness of my plight and asked for Lacy Ann, a redheaded angel with eyes so seductive that...sorry, I digress your holiness. Anna Mills suggested the exorcism could only be done properly having two angels, and of course I agreed because I so wanted to be freed from the demons.

    Well, the three of us began the exorcism, and your holiness, I don't think there are any human words that exist to explain how amazing the experience was for me. The intensity had the angels glistening, while I just sweated and wanted more because those demons did not want to leave.

    Although, I may have been confused and instead of calling out to God, I was worshipping the names of these angels, his servants Laci and Anna. It only made their attempts to exorcise me of the demons more intense and they called on the name of the Lord and this went on for some time, until we heard a voice on high telling Laci it was time for her to help out another lost soul.

    The angel Anna Mills could still see I was still in the grip of being possessed and we continued the exorcism for the next few hours. Oh, btw, your holiness, this angel showed me the light of such intensity, did things to me, and spoke with me that I knew a god existed.

    By the end, I felt at such ease and knew the exorcism had helped tremendously. But that wasn't the end...

    The next day, I got caught up in the festivities of St.Pogus' Day, and allowed myself to become possessed and the angel Anna Mills again came to my aid. The exorcism was even more intense than the night before.

    I was tempted to kidnap this angel and take her home, but knew the Army of Bunnies who follow the Lord Dennis would hunt me down and require I release her.

    Here at the end of my confession, I have a question regarding sins, Father...

    Is it wrong, that even though I know it will be more than a year before I return to the all girls Moonlite Bunny Ranch school, that I already start allowing myself to be possessed so next time may require a much longer and extensive exorcism with the lovely Anna Mills and maybe even some help from Laci too?
  2. Laci...if you read this post (and what a GREAT posting BTW Dokk).....let me fore warn you .... you red haired beauty from heaven....J and I have PLANS for YOU for our 10 year anniversary....You scratched our seven year it is only befitting you conquer our 10th....We shall reserve your awesomeness for this most momentous occassion for us, for you deserve NOTHING less, and we WANT nothing less! And I promise you, since we are no longer MLBR virgins...or Laci virgins for that matter....this party will be MUCH MUCH may need that hat we gave you....


    Steph & J
  3. Great report, Dokk! A thoroughly enjoyable read!
  4. It was an honor to do "The Lord's (Dennis') Work" on your behalf. Your soul was in desperate need and I am always willing to help a troubled soul. I have a feeling that you will need regular visits in order to purify yourself and will be there whenever needed.

    I had a great time and look forward to seeing you again! Thanks for all of the kind words. :)
  5. We scratched the 7 year itch, now we are going to do more than scratch for the 10th year anniversary. I will have the hat ready. The countdown begins. :)
  6. Yep, I'll be back for more. It may be a while unfortunately, I need to finish this degree in May then get settled into a job somewhere, but I'll be back regularly :)
  7. This is so clever and cute! I know we all can't wait to see you at the ranch, my sweet!
  8. Father Pogus, I definitely won't deny your wisdom and divine insight. I'm also more than willing to intercept these angels so you don't stray from the cloth.

    Thanks Anna :) I can't wait to return for more salvation at the ranch.
  9. Very cute! Way to look out for Father Pogus and keeping his vows in check. LOL!

    Anytime you need salvation, you know where to come. We are here to help anyway we can. :)
  10. Yes I am just here to help :)

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