Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by stacytyler, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    I would have to consider traveling to be one of my favorite pastimes. :D Flying sometimes can be a pain, but seeing and exploring new places makes it all worth it. I often wish I could just snap my fingers and magically appear in a new destination, but sadly they haven't invented the teleport yet. :mrgreen:

    But, what if they had already? Where would you travel to?

    I would Travel All Around The World, seeing new places almost daily! :D

    With these questions in mind, I came up with a game. :) Chose any destination and magically teleport from the previous posters location.

    I'll start in Cabo!! :D 8)

    XOXO [smilie=heart fill with love.gif]

    Stacy Tyler
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  2. Paris :D
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  3. Hey I'm working on it! :mrgreen: :p

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  4. Peru for the food!!!
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  5. Egypt- I would love to see the pyramids!!! :D
  6. tahoebigbear
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    tahoebigbear Well-Known Member

    Lani Kai Beach
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  7. Bora Bora!

    If looking at that place doesn't make you have an orgasm I have no idea what will
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    BTFSTL Well-Known Member

    Melbourne to see live Australian football at the highest level.
  9. purduefan
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    purduefan Well-Known Member

    Hmmm, I think I'll make a pit stop in Dallas!! :D 8) :wink: [smilie=hi ya!.gif]
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  10. vegas!
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  11. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    Off to St. Tropez! :D
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  12. I'm going to Miami!! :D
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  13. breastlvr
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    breastlvr Well-Known Member

    If I could teleport it would be to the BunnyRanch (most of you wouldn't understand the backstory of this but involves the time it takes to travel to and from the ranch)

    If it was to travel, it would be somewhere in Japan
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  14. willowlove
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    willowlove Well-Known Member

  15. St Lucia Islands!!
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  16. willowlove
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    willowlove Well-Known Member

  17. New Zealand!
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  18. Jamaica :)
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  19. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    I'm off to Mykonos, Greece.
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  20. London, England
  21. Italy/ I love their traditions !!! [​IMG]
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  22. purduefan
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    purduefan Well-Known Member

    Sydney, Australia- Oh, yeah!! I'm going down under, baby!! :D :twisted: 8) :wink:
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  23. Tokyo- Even though I'm horrible at using chopsticks. :p
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  24. stacytyler
    Chat with Me

    stacytyler Bunny Babe! Email me to set up appointments today!

    Off to Ibiza! :D
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  25. Galapagos Islands!!
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  26. purduefan
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    purduefan Well-Known Member

    Headed to Rio, see you in a bit!! :D 8) :wink:
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  27. Madrid, Spain
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  28. Phuket, Thailand
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  29. shelbystar
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    shelbystar Looks gets you, my personality brings you back!

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  30. PCGuy
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    PCGuy Active Member

    Bangkok, Thailand
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  31. Cyprus Islands!
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  32. purduefan
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    purduefan Well-Known Member

    Tibet :D 8) :wink:
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  33. Virgin Islands
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