Finally, Here's my pictures

Discussion in 'Dennis Hof and Madam Suzette' started by Anonymous, Aug 20, 2008.

  1. Please tell me if you think I could be bunny <3.....






    I've been emailing like crazy , Ive talked to Big Daddy a couple times..

    Wish me luck :]
  2. What a cutie you are.

    Can wait to meet you.

    Good Luck
  3. So I've been emailing like crazy still and still nothing yet... :[ I still have hope this is my dream i've wanted to do this for so long.

    I really can't wait to get there and meet everyone :] <3
  4. I really hope you get picked. Nice to see people from Jersey applying. :)
  5. I think you should first go school and get an education. Then work at the ranch.
  6. Thank everyone for the nice comments I needed them alot,<3

    The ranch is my dream I've been wanting to work there and in this lifestyle forever, I will go to school after I save up enough to go :]


  7. isurfer
    Chat with Me

    isurfer Well-Known Member

    Good luck, MelMel, and don't give up. Yes, you look good enough to be a bunny. I like the top pic the best, you look sexy on that bed.
  8. Thank you surfer my sweetheart :]
  9. BigAlbowski
    Chat with Me

    BigAlbowski Well-Known Member

    Gotta love a girl who knows what she wants!!! Redhead with ivory skin.... beautiful!! Good luck!


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