Adding a little Cinnamon to my diet.

Discussion in 'Real Life Ranch Reports' started by dandequille, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Cinnamon,
    Just want to thank you for a wonderful afternoon. I'm not sure what got me going more, your sweet disposition, your beauty, my total redhead fetish or maybe the fact that you're a dead ringer for someone I've had a crush on for years. Wow, I haven't done that many rounds in one sitting in a long, long time, 5 times in a row for this guy without chemical enhancements. And she'll confirm it too. Maybe Cinnamon is the new Viagra. It was simply amazing. Can't wait to explore your kinker side next time. All the Best. Dan
    auron79, isurfer and cinnamon like this.
  2. cinnamon
    Chat with Me

    cinnamon Making Memories, You'll Never Forget!!!

    Awe thanks Dan!!! So glad you had as much fun as I did! I can't wait to see you again and I appreciate your review! I offer more time for my dates that write a review, so next time we will have extra play time hehe!!!
    isurfer likes this.
  3. Cinnamon thanks again for the wonderful time.

    So if you're wondering what we did? Everything possible that she lists on her page. In all sorts of positions. Including a trip to a certain Mediterranean island. Can't wait to see her again. Dan
    auron79, cinnamon and isurfer like this.
  4. isurfer
    Chat with Me

    isurfer Well-Known Member

    Fantastic Dan. From what she lists on her page, you must have had a great time.
  5. cinnamon
    Chat with Me

    cinnamon Making Memories, You'll Never Forget!!!

    Lol, told you guys my list of don't is so small!!
    isurfer likes this.
  6. auron79
    Chat with Me

    auron79 Well-Known Member

    Wow you definitely had a awesome time if you did everything on Cinnamon's list. Lucky lucky man.

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